Acoustic version of Mercy Me's "Homesick"

Sounds really good. Retracking to get rid of the hiss would clean it up a lot but it still sounds really good. What kind of guitar(s)/mics were used? Nice playing, I like the lead guitar.

Thanks for giving it a listen and for your words of encouragement.

I used my Sheppard Madrigal and recorded it with SP C4s with omni capsules. I used a Rode NTK for vox. Everything goes into my FMR RNP and RNC into MY AKAI DPS 16.

Thanks again.
sounds really good
and i would retrack to get that hiss out but besides that the vocals sound really good
i like the guitar too
This is really good! Your voice and your playing sounds great. Just like what's been said about the hiss is the only problem. Btw, I just ordered an FMR RNP. How do you like it?

This is really good! Your voice and your playing sounds great. Just like what's been said about the hiss is the only problem. Btw, I just ordered an FMR RNP. How do you like it?

Thanks for listening Steve.

When I can, I will retrack and get rid of the hiss but for now I am more interested in learning the guitar riffs in Crazy Train. Seriously.

I like the RNP for my applications but at the same time I never really experimented around with other pres so I don't have anything to compare it to.