Acoustic Treatment


New member
I need some help with "acoustic treatments"... well that's the section on that has all of the foam things that you put on the wall to help with the the acoustics of the room.

When people talk about the problems that a space can have they mention things like "slap" and "flutter" echos... these terms seem pretty self explanatory, but just in case I'm missing something... how can you tell the difference?

Also, are there specific places to place these panels? Or do you just put a couple on the wall where the bad acoustics seem to be coming from...

One last thing that's a little off topic...
I'm pretty sold on the TASCAM US-1641 for my first audio interface thanks to a suggestion from this forum (sorry that I can't remember who gave me the suggestion)... However is there anything I should think about before I make this purchase and/or is there anyone who suggest against the TASCAM US-1641?

Thanks for helping out an extreme newbie get his studio going :D
Those foam panels are nice but bass traps are more important. The panels only help with upper mid frequencies which aren't anywhere as much of a problem as bass frequencies. The foam panels wont hurt, but they probably wont help as much as you might expect.