acoustic treatment for odd control room.


New member
I have a bit of a dillema with regards to acoustically treating my control room.
The room is thirteen feet long, BUT only 8 feet deep. Therefore, how should I treat the back wall directly behind my control room window (which is 6'x4). From what I've read thus far a diffuser would not work correctly as the room is not deep enough, but I also do not want to completely deaden the sound of my monitors as it reaches the back wall.
As you can tell I am new to the world of acoustic treatment and would greatly appreciate any advice.

Also, how important are bass traps in the corners of the control room.
Playback in the room is decent at best right now but quite muddy in the midrange.

Thanks in advance.

> The room is thirteen feet long, BUT only 8 feet deep <

You may need to reverse "long" and "deep" - you want the loudspeakers to fire the longer way down the room. In a room that small the wall behind you will be very close no matter what you do. So...

> I also do not want to completely deaden the sound of my monitors as it reaches the back wall. <

Yes, you really do.

> Also, how important are bass traps in the corners of the control room. <

Very important. Especially in a room that size.
