Acoustic Song - Come On


The rhythym track sounds very open and bright. What setup did you use to get that sound?

Overall it sounds very clear and the parts don't compete too much for space. Whatever you are doing, you're doing it right. Maybe cut back the verb on the vox, but I almost like it, sounds like early Floyd.

One thing I noticed as the track ends is lot of noise in the left channel.

I'm a kind reviewer but I'm thinking you'd appreciate an honest and critical opinion so, here goes;

I'd like to hear the lead guitar stand out just a touch. I mean just a touch. There area a couple very tasty vamps in there, ear would like to hear them stand out...just a touch. I'd also put a little more bottom into the low guitar or, better yet, add a bass, maybe an acoustic bass.

The vox has too much reverb for my taste even for the Floyd sound. Back if off just a little bit and bring it forward a touch. Is it possible that the heavy reverb might be hiding a little bit of the "sliding" into the notes and intonation of the vocals. Not to bash on the performance, it's a casual sounding piece and the performance fits.

The vocals seem too blended with the voicing of the guitars "when you say it's good enough for me" seems to get lost there at the first section, and again here and there when the vocals go to the end of the phrases to the low notes. At least once I can't tell what the words are.

Also, yeah, very noisey closing. Not sure what you could do about it. Depends on where it's coming from. You might be able to ramp the offending track down but possibly at the risk of losing your ringing notes.

All in all very tasty. Nice song, nice playing and really like the vocals. Just a little polish and I'd be a real happy listener. Thumbs UP! :)
128 KBPS absolutely kills acoustic guitar but I think yours sounds good despite that fact.

Lead guitar needs to come up. Vocals sound fine. Whole mix sounds good to me. Sounds like it was recorded 30-odd years ago. Has a classic sound to it.

I'd go into more detail on the guitars but maybe you can upload a 320 KBPS or 192 KBPS version to:

And it will be more fair to judge it then.

Oh, and I really like the song.
I'd say you are officially fully healed ;) This sounds great - few mix issues pointed out above but generally a great performance..... Let us know when you can the full signal chain of the guitar and vocals.;):D:cool:
I like the vox verbed - but then again I'm a hopless verbaholic. Nice playing & recording alround. The lead could use a vol or EQ boost - some of the licks are pretty slick and deserved to be heard.
I didn't hear Floyd, I did get some sense of summertime a la the Cosmic Rough Riders maybe even someof the sweeter Go-Betweens - that Striped Sunlight Sound?
Top job - little remix maybe?
Hey, thanks for the comments to this're right about the doesn't do many favours.

This is the signal chain I used: Taylor 110 acoustic guitar, small wood floor bedroom, into a CADm179 condenser mic, into Presonus Firebox. I eq'd both the rhythm and picked parts to drop some boom and in the picked part's case, add some treble. The shhhhhh bad sounds at the end of the song are coming from the picked track. Coz I added some treble eq there it sounds like it has picked up room noise, and that general treble shhhh.

I'm with rayc on the vocals...I just am a fan of reverb too. But, I know what you other guys are saying when you say it could come back a bit.

There's parts where the lead guitar is more present and parts where it drops a bit...mainly when there's vocals or where the more bright lead bit plays. There's the little licks at the end on the right that I thought I might increase in vol. I think they sound nice, but at the time didn't want to cloud things too much.

Punkin, I agree with the vox blending. I tried to make those vox lines more resonant when I sang em at the time. I thought there might be troubles with clouding there. Hey ido1957...I borrowed the lyrics, in that I don't think they are altogether original. I mean they are mine, but certain phrases are pretty generic.

I'm gonna have a go at doing a mix based on the suggestions. Thanks for the feedback everyone
This is a very relaxing song. I get the Pink Floyd reference, kinda San Tropez-ish... Meddle lp(?)

Panning seems off balance to me. Picked guitar in left, everything else sort of center. Maybe it's just me. Another picked part on the right would complement well. Need some low end.

I love reverb too. I think all you have to do here is pull back a little on the doubling.

Great performance, I think.

Hey chili, thanks...I moved the rhythm guitar more to the right. I brought up some sections of the lead bits. But haven't updated it or anything on soundclick. All the advice was what I was looking for though, thanks.
I may be a little late on this one, but wanted to let you know I gave it a listen and really like it very much.

The vocals are very soothing and mellow and the guitars sound bright and clear. I loved some of the subtle variations in your playing over the course of the song.

I was cool with the amount of verb on the vox, but it may be a good idea to see what it is like with just a tad less. Very nice tune...thanks for sharing it :).
It sure is a nice and mellow folky feeling tune. Those layered guitars sound so cool together, I'd describe it as a 'wash' of sound to borrow an art term.
And as others have stated, the vocal reverb works so well with the instrumentation!
Hey Monkey. I'm really digging this. Seems you cleared up all the issues mentioned in the first few posts. Nice vibe and the acoustic sounds great.
Thanks jp, Anfontan and Rami...yeah I made a few changes to the mix here and there. jp and Anfontan...more reverb fans, nice :)
Yeah this sounds very nice --- mellow and pleasant all around. Guitars sound really nice, and I like the vocals too. They still have quite a bit of verb on them; it's hard to imagine that they had more than this originally!

Anyway, it was a very nice listen. Great job!

And by the way, what did you mean you "borrowed the lyrics" and from whom did you borrow them?