Acoustic Recording


New member
I did this recording a few days ago with a couple members from a few local bands. We just improvised through the whole thing, but it turned out pretty nice..

I used dual MXL 993s for the acoustic guitars, and an MXL 990 for the vocals.

I know there's some timing issues, and a couple small guitar mistakes. And I believe the vocals clip in a couple parts. But other than that, let me know what you think.

I agree with the "brittle" comment. Content sounds pretty good though! A re-mixing could do the track some good.
Drums sound fine to me....vocals could stand to be a bit more out front and could use a bit more verb.....otherwise sound good!!!
Newbie-Doo said:
Sounds great to me. What other equipment are you using? I want to go buy some. :D, about that song title... :eek:
Thanks :)

For the drums I used a CAD 7 piece drum mic set. And like I said, dual MXL 993s for the guitar, and an MXL 990 for the vocals. All the mics run into a Presonus Firepod, which is plugged into my iMac G5 2.1 GHz which is running Cubase SX3.

Oh, and the bass was recorded on a Fender Marcus Miller Jazz Bass. Great bass.

Let me know if there's anything else you wanna know.
I like it all. baance "brittleness" etc. Lyrics are a bit tres ordinaire but for improv it's cool.
Sometimes the picked guitar in the R speaker is a bit loo loud or bright but only sometimes.
Well done.
Good work. I like the arranging a lot. One of the acoustic rhythm gtrs has a great thin-flatpick tone to the strumming :-)47). Vocals are very well done but sound overcompressed when doing loud high pitches. Drums sound good. The right guitar has a pretty tone but it'd sound better with less compression, and the highs are rolled off a little too much. Sounds like the right ac gtr was compressed with a broadband comp. A multiband set to only do gain reduction on the low-mids would keep the highs more natural. I don't get the title.

Thanks to everyone for all the positive comments!

I've got one more acoustic song that we did the same day. This is a very short song. The only big problem I can find with this song is that the second harmony is off key.. so we'll have to redo that part.

Timothy Lawler said:
...Sounds like the right ac gtr was compressed with a broadband comp. A multiband set to only do gain reduction on the low-mids would keep the highs more natural...

dude...if only we could clone that part of your brain that holds all that juicy- good engineering know-how and sell it as "Newbie-Doo's Brain Plug-Ins" we'd all be rich and knowlegeable...dang, I am so jealous...

*kicking my crappy recording equipment around my room*
Ha-ha. But nothing complicated there. Easy to get to know the sound of a multiband compressor on acoustic guitar. Take a typical clos-mic'd acoustic guitar track that has a bit of boom in it. Hit it with a multiband comp like the freeware Slim Slow Slider C3 using just the low band. Set the low band's crossover around 800 Hz, use a 20 ms attack and 400 ms release, and set the threshold to get 4 or so dB gain reduction at peaks, no reduction most of the time. Then A/B the sound against a broadband compressor doing the same amount of gain reduction. It's a totally different sound.
