acoustic pre's?


New member
ok i posted a thread a few days ago about buying an ashton acoustic electric. i took everyones opinions and suggestions into account, but have decided the ashton is the best foir me, financialy. now i wonder if i need to buy a preamp or something, something to do with high impedance/line level instruments. do i need 1 of these to play it thru an amp, or to play live at high levels??? extremely newbie question, but i guess it shouldnt be too hard to answer
If you are plugging directly into an amp or PA from the output on the acoustic/electric, you shouldn't need a preamp, but you may want to pick up a direct box, especially if you are using a long cord and/or are experiencing much hum from your pickup. I am no electronics whiz, but a direct box takes care of impedance matching and allows you to connect to your PA using a balanced XLR cable. A cheap one that will do the job for live gigs can be purchased for about $30 US.
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give the sansamp acoustic DI a run. It has active eq and a notch filter. It also has a tube mic emulation that isn't too bad in moderation. Another nice feature is that it has a send/return loop.
thakyou greatly for the suggestions, i take it this is just a small box that i will plug my guitar into, then plug IT into my amp?
could sum1 plz suggest sum good brands, and ill be set and ready to go!
fingmung said:
...i take it this is just a small box that i will plug my guitar into, then plug IT into my amp? could sum1 plz suggest sum good brands, and ill be set and ready to go!

yup, it is a small box. here are a few:

based on your guitar selection, I am guessing that budget is an issue (it usually is :) ). behringer products are usually not very popular on this board, but they are inexpensive and usually get the job done. either the DI 100 or GI 100 box for $35 US would possibly work for you. The Rolls direct boxes are similarly priced and are extremely rugged. The Sansamp suggested by JR ( is a great idea, but considerably more expensive. It might be helpful if you posted the rest of your signal chain and gave us an idea of what type of music you'll be playing.