acoustic pickups


New member
I have a black fender acoustic I want to turn into an accoustic/electric. I've been looking at acoustic pickup solutions, and most of them seem to be those silent, invisible systems...where are all the super permanent looking chomed humbucker type rigs with the knobs and switches and such?...I don't want a crystal clear reproduction of the guitar's sound...I want a muddy/jangly vintage sounding tone that I can effect without having it sound too strange (distortion for lead mainly) it just looks cooler with a metal pickup in the soundhole and a few knobs on the guitar's face.
Any low end one will give you that sound. Espicially the ones that have the velcrow strip that attaches the pick up to the guitar.
It will never sound like you want it too. Especially to play lead on. Get an electric, thats the best advice.