Acoustic Kravitz?

I like it. Very much!
Rhythm guitar needs some EQ just to warm it little bit up.
I don't hear any bass. I would add acoustic bass.
Very nice! :)

Mix could use a bit more depth though. I know it's an acoustic version, but it feels thin and lacks warmth to my ears. The acoustic bass mentioned above would definitely help. What have you done for reverb? EQ?

Also, have you tried double tracking the vox?

One of my favorite Lenny tunes!


Thanks guys.

Will mess around with the EQ and reverb on the rhythms as suggested. I'll have to listen to the Lenny's original so I can pick out the bass and modify it if needed to fit the acoustic version.


What is the desired result for double tracking the vocals? I'll try it and see.
Sounds pretty good man. Could use some tweaking, but the sounds are good. No real help to add that hasn't been stated so far....but good tune.