Acoustic Drum Sounds for FruityLoops?


New member
Anyone out there know a good place to get drum samples from the internet?

I know, there is really no replacement for a real drummer. Although I know this to be true, I do all of my recording at home, in my 500 sq. ft. home, that is. I had been using a DR 5, but I like the FruityLoops thing a little better. I am having trouble finding more acoustic-style drum sounds, though, as most of the sounds that come with it are for technno-type stuff.

Have you tried or . I found some good loops at both sites.

Would you elaborate on Fruityloops a bit for me? What is it and how does it work? Are you familiar with Loopazoid? You can put drum kit sounds into it and with a midi track trigger them. I've got it but I haven't worked with midi so right now I'm trying to find some good loops also. If you know of any please pass them on.

Rusty K
Rusty K,
Thanx for the reply, dude! Those links are pretty cool.

"FruityLoops is the number one loop creating tool
at the moment. Started as a drumloop creator it
evolved to a complete loop and song creating
package that might even replace your sequencer."

This is from the site. I am pretty new to music software, and so I don't know much about sequencers, MIDI, and the like. I was just looking for something to replace my outboard drum machine, and this seems like a pretty cool tool. You can create loops, and export them as wave files for use in other programs. It's sortof like the freeware, Hammerhead, but with more features.

Try downloading the demo from the site. It is pretty nice. You can make wave files with the demo, but you can't save. The full basic version is only $35, though. It's a pretty popular tool.