Acoustic covers. Please critique.

i think this is in all its soberness very very well done. she has a grrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat voice (i kinda wanna meet her just by hearing her sing :D ) the guitars are well played and recorded, you seem to have added just the right amount of just the right flavour of verb. a good mix too.
i can hear how your tempo is not always perfect but thats not an issue imo. and exactly what is wrong with the solo?

great work.

shit. it's all positive ;)
Thanks faderbug.

She's an awesome vocalist isn't she? I've got another one that we made. Currently doing the finishing touches on it. Will post it when ready.

I think my guitar solo stinks but I guess its' not too bad.

Thanks again for the encouragement.
Very nice. Indeed she has a great voice and the sound quality is great. My only musical nit is having the guitar do the same repetitive pattern six zillion times. It might work like that in a band, but it is very distracting as a solo. Nice job, very good. :cool:
DavidK said:
Very nice. Indeed she has a great voice and the sound quality is great. My only musical nit is having the guitar do the same repetitive pattern six zillion times. It might work like that in a band, but it is very distracting as a solo. Nice job, very good. :cool:
My thoughts exactly. I even told her that she needs a better guitar player than I ever will be. I'm not talented enough to quickly improvise on the acoustic accompaniment. I will have to work on it a little harder than most but work I will.

Sage97 said:
My thoughts exactly. I even told her that she needs a better guitar player than I ever will be. I'm not talented enough to quickly improvise on the acoustic accompaniment. I will have to work on it a little harder than most but work I will.


i think you're just being too modest. the guitar part works and that's all that matters.
awesome song , she really really has a good voice. I didnt really notice any tempo problems with just casual listening. Really cool song , you two worked well together and i liked the guitar sound you got. May I ask your signal chain for guitar? You keep saying your solo stinks ... just let it flow more , I felt like some of the vibratos were a little over exaggerated , relax just let it come out. awesome mix :)
Sounds great.

Thought it was Tears In Heaven at first.

She's a got a real good voice. Guitar sounds good too. Just curious, what kind is it, and what'd you use to record it?
Great vox. Raise the vox a little.

Guitar is not really noticeably out of time. It's a song with focus on the song with an accompanying guitar and as such it doesn't need to be right on the tick everytime. :)

Good song. :)
Thanks guys.

I guess I am being a little modest but I do want to get better and have a tendency to focus on improving on my weaknesses.

That's what I meant. I feel like the solo is forced into the song. I'll work on letting out flow more naturally.

I have several acoustics and can't honestly remember which one I used. I'm guessing its one of my Goodalls or the Sheppard mic'd with SP C4s (omni capsules) to FMR RNP and RNC to an AKAI DAW.

Jouni and Bigbubba,
Thanks. I'll look at putting the vocals a little bit more in front.
Sounds very nice...I thought it was gonna be Tears in Heaven too when it started! Gorgeously sung. The lead could use more middle for my ears. The pattern is song long, maybe a little change would have been nice, but that's how it is so that's how it is.
I'm in love. Vocal sound is great; although I might try boosting around 5K just a tad to help the articulation (it's hard to make out the consonants).

The tempo is not an issue for me. I agree with David K that the guitar is repetitive; just add a couple bass runs and/or hammer ons up top for emphasis as you go along; the whole performance could use some more dynamics (don't trash the recording though; this is for next time you play it together).

The lead is fine but the performance could use more authority. Sell it baby. I would try to redo the lead.
Thanks Slim.

Tell you the truth, I have no clue how to boost certain frequencies so I'll have to play around with my toys.

Still working on the guitar pattern and the lead but other projects are distracting me. Maybe I should quit my job and focus on my hobby. :)
wow those C4s worked a treat for ya! Can I ask where ya positioned em? Love the acoustic sound. The singers unreal too, but your acoustic makes it work ,well done.
TelePaul said:
wow those C4s worked a treat for ya! Can I ask where ya positioned em? Love the acoustic sound. The singers unreal too, but your acoustic makes it work ,well done.
Thanks Paul.

I used the mic holder from Naiant. Can't seem to find a link on it for now but I just pu the C4s on them and positioned them and monitored the sound with headphones. Then i just stopped moving when I liked the way they sounded.