Acoustic and Vox Mic


New member
I'm looking into a new vocal condensor for around $2-300.. just wondering what you guys would suggest. What have you used and been amazed?? with.. I know there are some good mics out there for such a price.

I use:
-an epiphone masterbuilt guitar
-In the past I've used a SM58, and an MXL 909. Both have achieved alright sounds.
-Behringer tube ultragain preamp

Anyone have any suggestions.
Thanks Glen I have read some reviews on the mic and it does seem well worth consideration. I will absolutely look further into it.

Is there any chance that you could tell me what you have recorded with the mic and the outcomes?
Also the MXL V67g ...big bang for the buck.about $80. if you shop around.

We use the 69 on vocals and get great sounds about70 - 80% of the time ....for one microphone will not work well for everybody
Kinda like the rode K2 as well. But it's slightly more than you quoted.

Then there is the old stand by (but not a LDC) the Shure SM7b. About in the ball park.

Thanks Glen I have read some reviews on the mic and it does seem well worth consideration. I will absolutely look further into it.

Is there any chance that you could tell me what you have recorded with the mic and the outcomes?
We have a V69 Mogami Edition hanging in the iso/vocal booth of the new studio, actually. It's still early yet, the studio is still going through shakedown, so I don't have any samples yet, but it's been used to record a few male and female vocal tracks and some shaker and cabasa for some backing tracks so far, and has performed well. And before that, the mic was used quite nicely in a small bedroom studio for acoustic guitar work.

I also have a friend who works for a local science museum/IMAX theater, and they have used the V69M for some of their VO work there.

On the negative side, the shock mount that it comes with is a bit on the cheap side, but that's true with a lot of the stock shock mounts that come with the lesser-expensive condensers.

I'm looking into a new vocal condensor for around $2-300...

ADK Hamburg Mk8 ("Mellow, Robust Tonality") or Vienna Mk8 ("Sparkling, Iridescent Tonality")...they go for about $350, but I've seen them sometimes for around $300 on eBay.
The earlier versions can be had for less...used.

These are great mics.