Acoustic 370


New member
Harvey, thank you. Thank you for contributing to the engineering of Acoustic.

I recently bought an Eden WTX 260 and was convinced that it was working just fine, but then out of laziness I decided not to bring it to a gig (sad since it's only 4lbs) in which I used to play the Acoustic 370, my weekly monday hit of 7 years. Anyhow, I keep the 370 there since it's so freakin heavy, I played the Acoustic 370 for the first time in a year and a half and holy crap did I realize how much I missed it. Don't know why I didn't go back to it sooner... I was just excited about the Eden and wanted to really find my settings I guess, but in the end it just wasn't powerful enough. ...wish the Acoustic were lighter though - it's a friggin tank! Much love, and Thank You Harvey Gerst!
Like my old JBL "F" series speakers, I'm continually amazed that these systems continue to work so well after more than 40 years and still have a strong following.
Yeah, I wish they would revive it. Can you imagine a 370 and an Ampeg 8x10 together? Thunder of the gods.

I haven't tried any of the new Acoustics yet, but I doubt they're as good as the old ones. Wish I still had my 6x10 guitar cab that I used for bass, can't remember the model #.
Yeah, I wish they would revive it. Can you imagine a 370 and an Ampeg 8x10 together? Thunder of the gods.

I haven't tried any of the new Acoustics yet, but I doubt they're as good as the old ones. Wish I still had my 6x10 guitar cab that I used for bass, can't remember the model #.
Actually, they have revived it. No, not the stuff they're selling at Guitar Center, but a real USA made Acoustic line. Here's the story:

Samick wound up with the name and rights to the Acoustic brand. They sold it to Guitar Center, but before they sold it, they gave a license to George Gretski to allow him to build some new Acoustic amps, based on the original designs.

I put George in touch with Russ Allee, the original designer that createded the electronics for the 360 and 470. It will be called Acoustic USA and these are new versions of the original Acoustic amplifiers.