acid question...


New member
I've been using the standard markers for compositional navigation aka. intro, verse, chorus, etc. But I'm starting to think I may be missing something here.

are there advantages to region markers?

what are you guys using markers for?

Tempo and/or key changes.

Mostly, I use them for hit points while scoring video/film.

Also, using the markers when editing dialog or a monologue is a great idea. Man, especially with large (long) projects. Most of the time, it is pretty easy to follow music/song structures when looking at the wave form, but spoken words can be tricky. Labeling the markers with a character name or a few words from the dialog usually helps, too.

yeah, I've been thinking about how useful labeled markers are.

looks like they can be extremely important!

as Brad said. They are useful for being hit points.

if you want to go straight to the chorus (assume it's #2), all you do is type 2 on the keyboard and it goes straight there instead of having to scroll across