acid pro 6 Help


New member
I am trying to learn this program ( have manual ) but for the life of me I can't find out how to "stretch" (as in elongate not time stretch) a sample so as to edit it. I do this in gtr tracks pro by pressing cntrl rt arrow. I think that also works in Sonar. How do you do it in acid pro? Thnks
Thanks, I will try that. What I can't believe is my inability to find it in the manual, all 290 pages of it. LOL
like...zoom in?

i use my mouse is probably the best thing in the world for editing. i hate protools when you have to click a million things (ok..probably 2) to zoom in...but as much i use zoom, acid pretty much has me monopolized.
I think the mouse wheel squeezes the tracks down to fit them all onto the screen in a vertical fashion. If you want to zoom in on something, grab the edge of the toolbar at the bottom and move it around.

I'm with cello pudding. I fucking love Acid. Especially for writing.
well...i didn't add any hotkeys or anything and it definitely zooms in to split seconds by default for me. or i can zoom out to view the entire project.
cello_pudding said:
well...i didn't add any hotkeys or anything and it definitely zooms in to split seconds by default for me. or i can zoom out to view the entire project.

Seriously? By default on mine, the mouse wheel squashes the tracks down vertically. I'll have to switch that around because it would be insanely helpful to me. I hate having to grab the bar everytime to zoom in. Sounds picky, but it's a pain. I guess I never dove into setting up hotkey stuff.
do it. it's pretty much my favorite part about acid. well...and the easy bus's, and fx bus's, and highlight/punch in, and the easy to use automation. the less clicking and taskbar browsing, the better
Man, I'm so with you. Acid has gotten completely forgotten about it seems within the tsunami of other programs, but I'm still stuck on it, especially on 6 because it now does an awful lot of stuff it never did before. I mix bands in Pro Tools, but if I'm personally making any music whatsoever of my own, I'm in Acid.