Acid Love Exxxperience - The Final Mix

man right outta the gate.....JUST ABOUT BLEW MY SPEAKERS UP!!! you ..sorta know how to play the guitar..huh..??.....:D groove the off beat drums around1:10 er i maybe alone on this but this reminds me of "living colour"....just the guitar style alot of "not normal"..choice of sounds great it just seems like a bit more thought went into yer choices then just plain old soloing..?...very hand would be sooo cramped right now...i like how the drums double some of the guitar runs too..very cool..

The mp3ing of the hi-fi versions was so bad I can't comment on mixing really. Sounds really drum machiney really guitar slylist oriented regardles of what the site claims. I'm not really into the constant wah w/ flashy panning...sounds like it was probably well recorded.

I'm pissed of .... I've just listened to these version of acid love in ( lo-fi and hi-fi). What the hell those guys in have done with my song? It's distorted! I can't really understand ... I have this file in my pc and I can listen to it without any noise or distortion ...
Sorry ... so if you still want to listen (and have time to download) ... a good version ... go to the audio section in my homepage and get the song ...
Thanks for the nice comments ...

ps.: yes! Vernon Reid of Living Color is a great inspiration for me ... maybe one of the most underrated guitarrist of 90's ... this guy rules ...