Acid 3.0/midi


New member
I must say, I like adding DLS midi sounds to my recordings in Acid 3.0. I kind of got away from midi when I started using loops. BTW I'm a guitar and bass player. I got some rhodes, FM and clav sounds from Sonic Implants for $9.99 and am having a blast.

I've fooled around with sound fonts before, but never used seriously.

I'm using a $100 yamaha PSR keyboard to play my parts, which are just chord pads. My question is - what is the advantage to getting a dedicated midi controller (kaysound, studiologic, etc.) for $150.00 or more?

How you doin?
The main advantage to a more expensive controller is that it's usually velocity sensitivity and aftertouch-sensitive-- the cheaper ones don't have these features, in my experience. Velocity sensitivity means that the faster you strike the key, the louder the volume of the sound played back. Aftertouch -- pressing on the keys after you've struck the note and before releasing it -- can be assigned to modulation parameters like vibrato or filters or whatever.

If you are just making pads and stuff and you get enough control over volume by editing the MIDI data, then the PSR will probably be just fine for your needs. But if you have any keyboard skill at all you'll probably prefer to at least have a velocity-sensitive keyboard.

Another factor is that better keyboards usually have weighted keys so that they respond and feel more like real piano keys.

Thanks for the response. You are an intriging source of info.
Now if I can find out how to use Rebirth with Acid.
