Accoustic sealer

J Wah

New member
I have seen details that call for an acoustic sealer to be used at floor joints, wall joints, etc. Will a standard acrylic or silicone caulking work for this or is there something better. I am working on sound proofing an unfinished basement room and would like to seal the joints in the above sub floor before insulating. Any thoughts? Thanks.
The funny thing is that depending on the prices in your area acoustical sealer is less expensive than high quality caulks. Essentially both have the same properties...adhesion and if you couldn't find an economical source I don't think it would harm the final performance of the wall, and would certainly be better than leaving unsealed cracks.

One feature that would be desired in an accoustical sealer that a caulk would not be required to have is mass.
yep, and you will notice that acoustic sealant comes in construction sized tubes. That is because you have to use as much of it as you can. Its like a little conteset. :D :D