Accoustic Guitar Mics and Compressors


New member
Could someone please tell me what mics and compressors are the best at the moment for Accoustic guitar. Im looking to get a clean, crisp, sound, mainly recording solos, and lead stuff(like Metallica - Nothing Else Matters etc). So what is my best option(no budget), just the best stuff available atm. I just need a mic and compressor to record accoustic guitar, NOTHING ELSE.


Some would say a C12 is the best, others may prefer models from Brauner, Soundelux, Earthworks, Neumann, B&K...


Go to take your pick..........

For "the best" of mics and comps, with no regard to budget (as you've asked for), you better have a shitload of money lying around.......!
I'm going to stick to the mic question in my answer. I've seen all sorts of posts on various forums along that same line but most request it within some budget.

There are more than two kinds of sound on a recording but it can be brought down to just two, the sound you like and the sound you do not like. Each of us has his own preference, wouldn't music be real dull if we all used the same recording setup recording a MIDI track sourced by one type machine. Hope this gives you a good enough lead in for my answer to your question.

I've seen answers for your question vary, just like sound varies. Some people prefer to use large dia. mics on acoustic guitar, some prefer small dia. mics, and some mix one of each at various locations. Some people like to pick up room sound by using omni pattern mics some do not and stick to card. pat.

Try to set up a test of mics so you can hear their sound for yourself. Perhaps some good ones to try would be Rode NT5, Neuman km 180 series, AT 4033, Rode NTK, Neuman KMS 105. Why these choices?? Each one of them has it's own use but also each one of them are in the class with the shure sm57 in that they are outstanding building blocks for a beginning mic locker. I've also seen recomends for the Octavia 12 but not knowing your reputable dealers down under I would not recomend it. Their mics vary in quality and some dealers screen them like the factory should do. The culls are sold to other dealers that just do not care.

Harvey's big Mic Thread as it's commonly called would be good reading for you. Be warned it's a big long thread heres link if it works:

You might also sift through here

Good Luck down there.