About the Yamaha ns10's being discontinued...


New member
...will it still be possible to find spare parts?
I'm about to buy my first pair of monitors pretty soon, and there of lots of ns10's that can be bought second hand for cheap...
But since Yamaha will no longer support them, I'm thinking it could be pretty hard to find spare parts, specially since I don't live in the States (still there are a few million people in my city :))...Am I worrying to much here or...?

BTW, which parts are most likely to break/need replacing in monitors? Anything one should look out for when buying monitors 2nd hand?
They have given an undertaking that all parts will continue to be available. There are to many of them about not too.
What Ive been hearing is that the wood that they got thier fibers from to make the woofer cones isnt plentiful anymore so they were forsed to discontinue the line. so dont look for the woofer to be availible.:(
Darrin, I wouldn't worry about that at all, its bog-standard cone material, every company doing cone replacement would be able to fix them, wherever on the globe.