about sonic solutions


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hi. I'm a sound engineer based in montreal. I runing a small restoration studio . My work station is almost enterely based in Sound Forge, wavelab and some plug ins from waves and steinberg.
I want to jump to next step. I want to buy a Sonic Solution systems with NoNoise plug in. I search in all the web sites but the only thing that I got is that NoNoise is running only over ProTools systems TMD. But I know either that many companies in audio restoration bussines got a Sonic Solutions System with NoNoise.
but I can't get any about this
what is this?
Why I can't get any information about is?
is this a marketing trick?
really I don't understand.
if you go at www.sonic.com only will find DVD stuff and some integration in audio matters.
help me please.
I agree that the Sonic site is very difficult to navigate. I believe the program is called SonicStudio, but they don't have it on their site. Anyone?
sonic solution

thanks buddy, but after hours in searching I found that site. those guys are sonic solution bussines partners. It seem that sonic solution will be enterely dedicate in video and dvd stuff.
SonicStudio, is working in development and sales in sound matters.
anyway... there are not pretty clear how you can get all those systems from sonic solution as SONIC SOLUTION SSHD or Sonic Solution Mastering System SSP 24 bit, working as main system in some audio restoration companies.
I can't afford nothing from Cedar or SADie and for that reason I would like to know the prices in sonic solution matters. Other wise, the "master of the ring" in this bussines seem be NONoise from sonic solution but it just appear as Protools plug in for TMD or HD systems.
I try to know if I can buy just some software from ProTools that allow No Noise as plug in, but it seem impossible, because you have to buy a entire system.

I remember the program costing....

I remember about 2 years ago the programs cost was about $500 in around there. It could be more expensive now but here is a link where you can email them on how to purchase the program. I'm not aware if you no this or not but the program is actually called "Sonic Solutions HD".

Here is the link

good luck,
There are quite a few second hand sonic units on the market.
From what I've heard they themselves no longer support the system, and the technology the old sonic systems are based on is pretty outdated.

the 2 most viable plug-ins for restauration are NoNoise and the Waves restauration bundle. The Waves bundle is the best one in my opinion, but it does require a pro tools HD system.

To do effective work in audio restauration you really need a good system, and also high quality converters and clocking systems. Unfortunately none are cheap.
sjoko2 said:
the 2 most viable plug-ins for restauration are NoNoise and the Waves restauration bundle.
Both Cedar and TC's 6000 Backdrop are very good restoration solutions, Cedar likely being the most popular and most effective.

The Waves bundle is the best one in my opinion, but it does require a pro tools HD system.
According to Waves the Restortion bundle is available in both TDM and native flavors - basically anyone can run it...
Thanks for that correction, and I forgot about Cedar.

TC........ that's the worse name anyone can mention to me at the moment, in my experience the audio company with the worse service and best lies in the business.
about sonic and waves

thanks all of you for information.
I have Waves Restoration Bundle working pretty nice as plug in in my new Sound Forge 7. I mean, waves can working not just as Pro tools plug in.
About cedar systems, it is very specific and usually cedar software is for SADiE systems. I don't know if Cedar have some version VST or DX, other wise, cedar software is very expensive.
But, how I can get No Noise?
thanks a lot