About ready to chuck cubase LE5 out the window and just use audacity....


New member
Nevermind got it well other than the fact I still can't open the tutorials on the DVD
I can't even get the tutorials on the DVD to open.
Been through the getting started guide several times today. Can't get the signal I input to record.
Using windows 8 with Lexicon alpha.
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I received the lexicon alpha yesterday and within 15 minutes had a multi track recording using audacity. (without reading the manual) Just plugged it in and recorded.
I've spent all day today doing battle with Cubase and have nothing to show for it.
Can't even open the tutorials on the DVD. They try to open in cubase LE5 and I get a message saying this is read only file, choose another file.
Looked on the internet for youtube tutorials and most of them seem pretty useless. I know I'm computer illiterate but come on....
I copied this setup procedures from one of my posts. It is adapted for the Alpha:

You must first select Lexicon Alpha in Cubase. Devices>Device Setup...VST Audio System. In the drop down menu at top, select 'Lexicon Alpha' (or whatever it is called). While on that page, check the 'Release Driver' box. This will allow the Alpha to play WMP, Youtube, whatever, while Cubase is open.

Now, go to Devices>VST Connections (F4 shortcut). Add a mono input bus. You will need to create a input bus for each input needed from the Alpha. For each input bus created, you will left click on the 'Device Port' column (highlighted in yellow), and select the input channel of the Alpha that you wish to use. Leave the default Stereo output bus.

Now, create a track to record to. Project>Add Track>Audio>Mono.

In the 'Inspector' window at the left of the main project window, look for a symbol that looks kinda like this: >] SEE ATTACHMENT

This is where you select the bus you created in VST Connections. You will change this on each track that is using a different input channel on the Alpha.

If you don't see the symbol, click on the track name at the top of the Inspector window to pull to the main Inspector screen.

You will need to also toggle the monitor button on the track to hear the input (it looks like a side view of a speaker). Toggle it back off to hear playback.
--to make this toggle automatically; File>Preferences>VST. In the Auto Monitoring drop down menu, select Tapemachine Style.

Let me know if this gets you up and running.

Keep in mind, there is a reason Audacity is so easy. It is 1/100 of the power of a real DAW like Cubase, Reaper, Protools, etc..


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    Cubase Track Input.jpg
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I can't even get the tutorials on the DVD to open.

They try to open in cubase LE5 and I get a message saying this is read only file, choose another file.

A DVD is read-only media, meaning you can't change or create files on it (without burning software).
It's not uncommon for DAW software to refuse to open a read-only session. I'm pretty sure Pro Tools wont let you.

I suggest you copy the tutorial sessions to your hard drive and open them from there.
Thanks for the input so far. But here's where I'm getting lost.
In the 'Inspector' window at the left of the main project window, look for a symbol that looks kinda like this: >] SEE ATTACHMENT

This is where you select the bus you created in VST Connections. You will change this on each track that is using a different input channel on the Alpha.

If you don't see the symbol, click on the track name at the top of the Inspector window to pull to the main Inspector screen.....
Don't see the >] symbol and clicking pulling on the track name in inspector doesn't reveal it.
It gives me a screen that says
Sorry, clicking the track name "audio 01" in this case, only toggles open the window in inspector that shows the record ready and monitor button. There is a little symbol next to "mono in" that looks like this ->] but it's not a clickable button.
That's what I see in the picture posted above.
Left click on the name next to it. Once you make your connections and input buses, you select them from the drop down menu there.
Sorry I'm just not following I guess. If I click on mono in (which is next to the->] symbol) I get choices of no bus, stereo in L or R. Mono in or mono2 . Tried them all with same results.
Hey thanks for your help anyway. I've got a buddy that wants to show me some things next week. Lives in another town. He's used cubase for years and he says he can get me up to speed.
Well, I got some tracks to record. For the life of me I don't know how. Some tracks are stereo some mono mishmosh. But anyway saved several copies to use as sort of a template. That'll have to be good enough till I figure this out. <:-{ <---me wearing the dunce cap.
GOT IT! What a difference a good night's sleep and a couple cups of coffe make. I wasn't setting up my VST connections and bus the right way.
Thanks alot for your help everybody.