About my mic pres...


New member
Hey guys, yesterday I did a test w/ my preamps and my microphones and here goes my comments.

Tascam 2524 on:
- AT 3525: It's ok (it's the first one I'm listening)
- MXL 603: Hotter than the AT, somehow, it sounds fuller than the
AT. I had some kind of problems with the sound disspearing
sometimes... maybe phantom power problems.
- SM 57: Need a lot of juice on the pre, but sounds ok, I would
say it sounds btw the 3525 and the 603 on the warm side of

Digi 001 on:
- AT 3525: Clearer than the 2524
- MXL 603: Thinner than the 2524
- SM 57: Thinner than the 2524

VC6 on:
- AT 3525: Sounds ok, there is no huge difference to the pres
mentioned above. Maybe I would say, it has the best of both
(it's warmer than the 001 and cleaner than the 2524)
- MXL 603: The comments above work for this one also
- SM 57:The comments above work for this one also

Then just for fun, I started messing around with the compressor and EQ on the VC6, using the 3525 and just talking on the mic (by the way, I already recorded around 4 bands with this setup)
and now we're talking about a warm beautifullllll sound.... :) now I love my voice!
I mean, the compressor adds a lot of life to the sound, I'm glad to have the VC6...
Now I ask, will a "clean & crispy" preamp be a -must have- on my setup? The cleaner I have is the 001, and it's lifeless...
What do you guys recomend? Get a VTB-1 or wait for the RNP?
IMHO, you'd want pre's that have a lot of color and pre's that are basicly a piece of straight wire that has gain. You have color covered with the Meek.
I'm interested in both the pre's you've mentioned and I'm sure I'll be picking up one of each as they become available. Obviously, I can't recommend them as I ain't heard 'em yet.
I just read about the Syteks... where can I find them!? Which models are avaliable?!
My plans are that one day, I can get rid of my Tascam board and use only outboard pre's... 1 I already have... 9 more to go... :)
No info on the Syteks but I know they're good pre's for sure. I only use stand alone pre's for tracking and only use my console for monitoring and mixing. I have some HHBs, DBX and Envoice pre's (also some Mackie pre's but I don't like them much anymore).

Cool...Finally I find someone else with one...I dig mine....missing a few things, but all in all great for the money...
The web address for sytek is:


Call Mike Stoica a the number listed there and he will help you out. I have the 4 channel with Burr Browns in channel 3 and 4 and it gives me good options on sound. Overall the whole thing is pretty clean though, but with a lot of headroom.

Hey memriloc, which other pre's do you have beside the ones from the 2524?
I like the pre's on the 2524 BUT the board is not very quiet... since I use it just w/ direct outs... there is no big deal.
Microphones with hotter outputs sound better on the 2524 'cause you don't need to cranck the pre...

I only have a Behringer Ultragain Pro...I get the feeling a few people 'round here don't like Behringer, but I dig the output of this unit...I've never had a prob with noise on my 2524 eccept at the bus point....so I just boost as much at the pre and as much as I can on the fader then bring the bus into play which eliminates that prob for me...I dig the pre's on the board, but they could've made 'em abit hotter...