? about Beyerdynamic M series


New member
I was wondering if the Beyerdynamic m series mics are consider true ribbon mics. I could use any user input on these.I plan on buying a riboon mic in the near future, I don't want to go too cheap, these are in my price range. Do you know of ant other ribbon mics in the 400-500 dollar range ?
Not all M series mics are ribbons. For example the M88 and M69 are not, although they are very good mics. The commonly available Beyer ribbons include:

M130 (figure of 8 ribbon)
M160 (hypercardioid double ribbon)
M260 (hypercardioid single ribbon - discontinued)
M260.80 (hypercardioid single ribbon with built-in bass rolloff)
M500 (hypercardioid single ribbon handheld vocal mic - discontinued)

Yes, they are all very good microphones. IMHO the most useful are the M160 as an instrument mic and the M500 as a vocal mic.




Here are some reviews/articles on ribbons that you might find helpful.
funckyfinger said:
I should add this is for vocals and acoustic guitar.

Out of the Beyer ribbons the M160 will net you the most useable sounds in my opinion on these two sources. However, outside of the Beyer realm I would possibly look at the CAD Trion 7000 ribbon as I believe it will deliver a more pleasing performance for even less money. This is if you can use a figure 8 mic vs the M160 which is hypercardioid.

The CAD is a great step up from other Chinese ribbons.

I'd look into the Karma K-6 Phantom powered ribbons. I have two and love them. They are phantom powered, so they give a robust signal relative to many other ribbons, and i've used them with good results on acoustic guitar, electric guitar amps and vocals. They are priced below $400 as well.
I have the M160 / M130 combo for M/S recording. They are definitley a you'll-have-to-pry-them-out-of-my-cold-dead-hands set of mics.

I use them for live recording. The narrow cardiod M160 keeps the room sound to a minimum and focuses on the source, while the M130 lets me add a lot or a little stereo width in mixdown depending on how good the room was.

Huge proximity effect in these mics, but nice and warm at the right distance from the source.