Ableton 9 plugins problem.


New member
So, I have ableton 9, not proud but it is torrented. (I tend to test software before I purchase it) - It works perfectly! Except for one problem... I can NOT for the life of me get plugins to work. I've managed to get Massive working but Nexus, Kickstart +sylenth1 will NOT work. I've installed them as you're meant to as far as I know. (With torrented plugin mount image - install to folder where your VST's are) I know torrented programs are the devils spawn or whatever it is you'd call them here but I bet quite a few people have torrented and encountered the same problem as me at some point. I'm unsure if it's to do with 32/64 bit because I've gotten everything 64 bit as far as I know.

If anyone has the answer please help. I've tried everything, different file directories and everything. I've watched so many tutorials but now I'm at a loss and I've had to come running for help.