Aardvark Q10


New member
Hallo everyone,

I have Aardvark Dire Pro Q10 (it has 8 XLR inputs). I don’t have Aux send on it, I only have 4 channel inserts for the 1st 4 inputs and 8 outputs;one for each


I need an effect processor. But I want to have the ability to have effects on at least 4 inputs if not the 8.

I looked at the Behringer VIRTUALIZER PRO DSP2024P. There are 2 ways to connect to it. Either through “Aux send” or through inserts.
So I can only connect to it through the inserts which will limit me to have effects only for 2 inputs!!!! Since the VIRTUALIZER PRO DSP2024 has 2 inputs.



Is there a solution to my problem? Is there something that I can add to my Q10 to have “Aux Send”? or

Is there an effect processor that I can connect to it through the outputs? Or has 4 inputs instead of 2?


The reason you can only apply effects to 2 channels is that your Behringer thingy only has two channels. It's not the Q10's fault.

If you want to send all your inputs across the thingy, use the monitor outputs.
Are you not mixing using software or something so that you cant use plugins?

Only reason you'd need a hardware processor would be if you were sending all the outs through an outboard mixer, and mixing with outboard gear...

You'll probably need more than one processor if you want to do at least 4 channels, most will be just 2 channel, and if you wanna run it in stereo, you only get one track through it.

But if you're using a q10 to record to a computer, why not just use plugins and mix in the software?
I have the Q10 as well.

You actually have 4 aux sends and 4 aux returns; they are what you referred to as the channel 1 through 4 inserts. Each channel insert can be used to send a signal out to a processor and accept the return signal. You need a y cable to accomplish this. The TRS end goes in the Q10 channel insert and the two TS cables go to the input and output of your external effect box. Remember these inserts are only useful while recording, they can't be used for adding effects during playback.

If you want to put effects on the other 4 input channels during recording you have no choice except to use external pre-amps and effects then run the ouput of those into channels 1 through 4 as a line input.

Adding effects during playback is a different story. You can run each of your Q10 outputs to a mixer or patchbay (this is what I do) and then add effects. The outputs of the effects can be summed in the mixer and fed back to the Q10 as a stereo pair or to individual channels. Some folks might prefer to send the mixer or pathcbay outputs to an external burner like the Alesis Masterlink or similar device.

Hope this helped, I rambled a litttle...