Aardvark DirectPro, 3-4 Seperate Tracks?


Drunken Heckler
Noob here, thank you for any suggestions.

Santa brought a DirectPro 24/96, I've only had about six hours total to play with it so far... So this is probably a dumb question but it's got me stumped & not moving forward into the fun stuff.

I'm trying to record four seperate drum tracks simultaneously: Left overhead, right overhead, bass, snare. All of the software demos I'm trying are combining inputs 1 & 2, 3 &4. I'd like for track one to be input one, track two input two, etc.

So far I've tried Audio Studio 7 Deluxe, and Samplitude 7 demo. Downloading Sonar demo as I type.

Is this not possible? Am I missing something really easy?

Thank you!