aardvark 24/96 playback issues


New member
I just got the drivers install for an aardvark soundcard on my system and was recorded the first track and everything went smoothly, but when I tried to record the second track after about 20 seconds it stopped and I could just hear a ringing in the headphones until I restarted my system. It does this with any program (I tried tracktion, itunes and windows media player all had the same issue) any ideas what would cause this?
Do you have other PCI cards in your PC?
What kind of processor do you have? AMD or Pentium?
List your specs...the Aardvark cards can be really picky with their neighbors. But they are nice when working correctly.

I see you got the drivers. Did you install the 7.04 or the 7.14?
My specs are

Abit IC7 mobo w/ 875P chipset
Pentium 4 3.2 Ghz hyper-threading enabled
WD 37 Gig raptor harddrive
lite-on cd burner
Nvidia 6800 GT
Buffalo wireless 802.11g PCI card
Antec 480 true power power supply
1 gig kingston PC3200 ram
onboard realtek sound (I tried w/ this disabled too)

and I used the lastet drivers 7.14 I think, should I try downgrading?
I tried disabling the sound drive the network card and turning off hyper-threading with the same problem could it be the driver or mabye another piece of software, this is my only computer so I have quite a bit installed on it.
I tried re-installing the drivers and the 7.04 drivers with the same issue. When I disable playback and use my onboard sound for play back it works fine. Anyone else ever had this problem?