a work in progress, how am i doing?

Erich Arndt

New member
just playing around with my own version of an old ramones tune, "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend"
this is the most stripped down i've ever been as far as music... two guitar tracks, a bass track, and a drum track.... but then i'm trying to keep it relatively true to the original.

not really much to comment on though... no vocals yet.. guess i just wanted to let the crowd know what i'm up to nowadays.

but comments are still welcome.

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You forgot the "sop" erich.:eek:


The mix sounds pretty good.Solid rhythm section........yeah this is a solid mix.The drums would probably be the weakest link if I had to nit pick.The ride cymbal all the way through the tune seems to be taking away from the power and tightness of the rhythm section ....if that makes any sense.The ride seems like it should only be there when you do the chord changes like at 22 seconds,49 seconds etc in stead of all the way through..just a personal preference observation.....good recording.
I'll echo Kramer's comments. Definitely a good mix....nice drum sounds....guitar sounds good....decent bass and kick. Off to a good start I think.

However..........."greatest band ever"? Hmmmmmmmmm.........:eek: