a work in progress, how am i doing (part 2)

Erich Arndt

New member
well, i got some vocals into it now... i think as far as tracks i have everything i need... the original version of the song has some kind of bells in it, but i'm not sure if i wanna go that far to stay true to the original....

well, give it a listen and let me know what you think...



PS: wouldn't it be cool to put together a ramones tribute collection from artists on this board?
(jus mockin' the j man Erich... ignore that last one :D)

Yup... good tones... a little "smashed"... but good sounding... and no vox... lol
downloading now..........

yeah like i before this is a cool song..when you double the vox it is phasing out....makes it sound out of tune.
the song is great tho..bass is maybe heavy on some spots..did you compress it?..

ok second listen..
man the intro sounds great...right on "boyFREIND" that part.can you hear that??..thats really the only thing wrong with this ..

RAMONES ...dig it!

Hey there Joey...

I like this a lot, except for the chorus/flange on the vocal. I think I know what you were going for, but it's really more of a distraction, I think... If you dig it, leave it. It's just my opinion that the flange/chorus/phaser is drawing attention to itself as an effect, which usually tells me I've overdone it.

Nice cover.

[edit] - and before you tell me that you were going for a sound like the original, remember that the Ramones invested approximately :20 minutes and $5 into each of their recordings...lol. You can do better.
pretty cool.. maybe a bit too much chorus on the vox, but a good job overall...

I did a version of Blitzkrieg Bop, but I made it a little heavier..
thanks for the tips... general opinion is the vocal effects are too much... actually this is just two of me singing the same thing, eached one panned 10% to one side... i was a little concerned about that myself, so i think i may center both of them, and drop the volume on one of them, to keep the doubled effect, but tone it down a little...

i'm glad everyone seems to dig this one.. stay tuned for an update fixing the vocal thing...

and yes, it was compressed, but i'm still learning the ins and outs of compressing and mastering...