A tragedy of the purest kind...


New member

Posted this in Com / soundcards, but no response. So...

Hey all:

I've been reading some various posts and ...there's some serious experts on this board!
So, I've gotta take advantage of the opportunity to ask a few:

First, here's what I want to do: make complete songs using samples (including my guitar and vox). I have got a Mac G3/500 mhz/576 megs of RAM, w/ Audio Buddy pre-amp, Shure SM-57, el-cheapo guitar, Mixman Studio Pro and T-racks 2.4.
I sing and play into the mic, sample and loop that with Mixman - sometimes along with various comercial samples which are sometimes modified, then I master w/T-racks.

1. Everything sounds "okay", but slightly karaoke-ish. Is there any way to make the stuff flow together more? The seperation between the vox and instruments is too...obvious. Do you know what I mean?

2. Since some commercial samples were already mixed and mastered, does it affect them negatively to do it again? Probably a dumb question, but I don't know.

3. Do I always need bass? I mean, I don't have or use a bass (sometimes I use bass samples) so will the music sound incomplete without it? It sounds okay-ish now..

4. Has anyone read Tape Op? http://www.feralhouse.com/cgi-bin/s...age=tapeop.html
It's about home recording in the underground / alternative scene. People here might be interested.

5. Does anyone know about international sampling laws? I guess I really need an expert on this one... I am Canadian and want to cover an American song (using lyrics and sample) but with an additional verse and sample from a British artist. The sung melody is totally different and there are also additonal samples..Who would I contact to release such stuff in Canada or the States? Should I just submit it to a record co. as a demo and let them deal with the legalities?

6. I am really interested in working with music editing full time. Can anyone recommend courses to take and a job that would involve working with digital music (nothing that pays minimum - I'm already a starving artist!)? Ideally I'd work on a Mac and edit music and, uh, have some kind of job security/benefits/etc. I'm interested in working as a Fatboy Slim kinda thing - DJ, computer, sampler...What courses should I take?

Okay, that's more than a couple of questions but I figured I'd ask 'em all while I'm here.

Many thanks for any info,
If you are going to use synth bass or samples, they need to be really good to make it work. I've used synth bass for years, a Moog Source, Oberheim Matrix-6, and samples. I think samples aren't nearly as effective as a good virtual analog synth or a "real" analog synth.

I play bass guitar too, and I like it.....but, there are some types of music where I think synth bass is better. It all depends on what style of music you are doing. If you're music works without bass, that's o.k. too. There are no absolute rules when it comes to music.

I rarely use crash cymbals when I'm recording by myself, and a lot of percussion I use is rather unorthadox.