A touch of insanity - be gentle


New member
Well hello there :)

This is the first time I've decided to post one of my works- I started making music just a little over a year ago and have fallen in love with all things Electronic. Up until now I've only ever really collaborated with a friend and let them listen to it, I really think a song is just you expressing yourself hence why I've avoided the attention whore approach of "oMgz Plz LiStEn 2 Me AnD Give Me A ReCoRd DeAlL!!" (i hate funKy FonT fyi :()

So yes, I believe in making the impossible, possible. I'd like to give electronic music a darker, ballsier side and perhaps even a soul. However I do suck with vocals, so this one is currently without them.

(btw the first 44 seconds are just the intro so at least listen upto/past there to get an idea of how the song really sounds, thanks ;))

I really do type too much, here it is:


thanks for any feedback; I don't mind criticism (constructive)
i gave it a listen

Hm. I see what you mean about darker, ballsier electronica. Tryin' the soundtrack/cinematic suspenseful scary movie thing? Cool. There were definitely elements of it i liked. The Rhythm builds and recedes in places and changes up some and comes back, its no too repetitive rhythmically. I guess i liked the melody. Some people try to cram a toothpaste jingle into a murder scene sonically, but the melody seems to fit. Overall i liked it.

I guess its a little bass heavy, but you said it wasnt done and that you are thinking of adding vocals. I can understand leaving the freq's higher up empty for that...or...you could work another instrument in here and there, instead of the vocals.you certain have headroom further up. even flutes and violins can be scary.

i hesitate to critique something like this, simply because i'm not qualified...i'm not a professional mixer, but i am trying to become one.Perhaps my cheap PC speakers just cant handle the lower end, but I would say theres a wee too much of a "fuzzy" thing going on. I know, the reverb is for the mood. Could the "boom boom" heavy thing that cuts in now and then have a little less fuzzy on it? its low and boomy enough probably without the extra fuzzies, and keep the reverb thing on everything else? Or maybe i just need a bass tube to appreciate this, or decent near field monitors i simply cant afford right now.

overall, i liked it though. It definitely conveys the suspenseful, scary mood in a cinema sort of way. It only needs a push or a caress here and there to be a more polished piece. I hope someone who can better understand somethng like this comes along, I'd hate to be saying the wrong thing.

By the way, I tried to do something similar in darkness to this once, but mine didnt come out as good as yours, my melody and rhythm were way too childish to be taken seriously, and i couldnt pull off any tempo changes. If you could give mine a listen, I'd really like to hear from someone whos better at it than me, i would like you to give me some pointers.

PS - if you do suffer thru it, i used way too much reverb myself trying to set the mood...youres was more tasteful, and youre melody and tempo changes were way more advanced than mine...mines too "childish" in arrangement. But if you could tell me if the melody line shows any promise?


its called stringthing
Thanks for the feedback SEDstar,

It does come accross as quite theatrical/moody doesn't it.. I can't stand the repeditiveness in most songs that I hear. I think I know which fuzz you're talking about, the low end bass synth has a bit of a fuzz sound to it naturally, I don't mind it all that much myself but I guess it could get annoying.. that big boom is a hit sound which I may have just compressed a little too much to the point where it drowns out everything and nearly destroys the speakers its being played through :D

I've battled for ages with melodies, I know exactly what you mean.. trying to compose a moody piano piece only to have it sound like some jingle from Play school, but you do kind of develop a 6th sense for what will sound sad, happy, angry etc.

I listened to your stringy song, I think what is detracting from the mood is the bass instrument, it seems a bit forced and isn't flowing nicely with the higher pitched strings, other than that it had a nice mood about it and I loved the panning brush sound it was a tad freaky, it's hard to get panning sounds to feel 'right' so i've just avoided a lot of auto-panning lately

anyway, thanks a bunch, its good to finally have other opinions :) (for better or worse..)