A testament to the durability of the 57


New member
Yesterday I was messing around with an old tapco mixer I got on the cheap, running the output into one of the inputs and plugging in other weird sounds to create weird modulated feedback. I accidentally pushed the volume up too high at one point, and quickly ripped my headphones off to save my ears... only to realize that I could still hear the sound quite clearly! I looked around in puzzlement for the moment, and then realized that I'd left two shure 57s plugged into the back of the unit, but hadn't noticed! the mics had somehow been recieving the signal from the mixer and acting as speakers, for how long I didn't know.

I plugged the 57s into a different mixer and tested them out, and amazingly it seems that they were completely unaffected. I'm lucky I didn't have anything more sensitive plugged into that mixer though :o
bloomboy said:
Yesterday I was messing around with an old tapco mixer I got on the cheap, running the output into one of the inputs and plugging in other weird sounds to create weird modulated feedback. I accidentally pushed the volume up too high at one point, and quickly ripped my headphones off to save my ears... only to realize that I could still hear the sound quite clearly! I looked around in puzzlement for the moment, and then realized that I'd left two shure 57s plugged into the back of the unit, but hadn't noticed! the mics had somehow been recieving the signal from the mixer and acting as speakers, for how long I didn't know.

I plugged the 57s into a different mixer and tested them out, and amazingly it seems that they were completely unaffected. I'm lucky I didn't have anything more sensitive plugged into that mixer though :o

If you ever put a mic up for sale in the Free Ads thread, remind me of this post. :D
el_hombre said:
So would you recommend the 57 as studio nearfields? :D

what kind of question is that? everyone know that 57's have a big mid bump and rolled off hi's. hey that kind of describes the wharfedale 8.2a's. maybe a couple of 57's would be a good substitute. put em on a stand in a xy formation and point em between your eyes. :D
TravisinFlorida said:
. maybe a couple of 57's would be a good substitute. put em on a stand in a xy formation and point em between your eyes. :D

i think that would look pretty futuristic & scare the shit out of any clients you may have. :D
el_hombre said:
i think that would look pretty futuristic & scare the shit out of any clients you may have. :D
The only improvement I can think of would be to mount laser pointers on the mics. Yeah, that would definitely be one killer setup.
bloomboy said:
The only improvement I can think of would be to mount laser pointers on the mics. Yeah, that would definitely be one killer setup.

Lasers streaming into you eyes? Good idea :D burn all unnecessary senses
el_hombre said:
i think that would look pretty futuristic & scare the shit out of any clients you may have. :D

it might draw in a few of the psychedelic musicians in your area. you could also mic em up with your speakers. tell em that your capturing their inner child by monitoring thru the mics and micing thru the speakers. :D
I have no idea if this is true or not, but I read, heard, saw a story about a FOH mixer man that forgot his head phones, but had plenty of adaptors and extra 58's so he used a 58 for a make shift headphone, just had to put it up next to is ear hear anything.

But yes dynamic mics are just speakers in reverse. But how long and how loud a 57/58 would last as a headphone, I don't know, and I am not willing to try it out on mine.