A song...witch I still didnt get paid for.


New member
hey guys... dont ask me why I'm posting this song here, I dont know. I'm just pissed. It's a song I made for a canadian organisation. They are using the song a lot, and I still didnt get paid. I'm so pissed off about all this.

I'm protected for this song, so they can not steel it, but... DAMN. I hate the President of this org. I HATE HIM.

here is teh song. I could have done a better mix, but they insisted to have the song before I completely finished it.

Anyway..If your curious, just listen to it. Some of you might already hear it somewhere.

You should be able to dl the mp3 at 200kbps, and it's on a private server.

By "respect" (I don understand why I still have respect for this guy) I wont write who they are. But you can listen to the lyrics, you will know who I'm talking about!
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Sounds real good man. Nice tones arranging and mix. Whats up with them using your song and you not getting paid??? You need to get a lawyer friend to threaten them a bit I say. Anyway no real complaints this sounds good for the genre-a bit like NIN-what did you use for drum samples-guitar tones and what did you record on? Sounds great.
Thx for the comments

I still cant get this guy in front of the judge because I cant find where he lives. His company'office burn about a year ago, and I only have a postal box adress, and this is useless for "law" stuff.
I called many sponsors and he also own money to them, they all pissed. I'm pretty sure this organisation is "looking in good health" but in fact, they are all totally screwed and this company will crash soon.

Anyway, on monday, I'll have to pay 95$ to a private detective to -maybe- get a valid adress.

The Song: Cubase SX/Reason2

-The drums -from Reason 2
-Cymbals -from Edirol SuperQuartet.
-Guitars -Digitech2101 Tubepre
-Bass -Amplitube
-SoftSynth -Pro53, Malstrom

Only my SP C1 was used to record guitars/vocals, 01v, Nuendo Audiolink Multiset.

This is the best sounding song I've heard on this board so far. How did you freakin do that? How did you get your guitars to sound so good? Mang!!! I'm giving my first rating and it be a nickel.

It sucks that you didn't get paid, sorry. But if you ask me your song is dirtied by all that wrestling bullshit anyway. The song would be much better cooler by itself.

One small criticism though (not music related).. your homonyms are all screwed up :D
Khompewtur - Nilbog

Thx for the comments :) At least I get something positive on all this crappy situation here. :)

hehe I understand what you mean dude, I'm not involved or nterested in that kind of sport anyway.

"One small criticism though (not music related).. your homonyms are all screwed up "

What does this mean? Sorry but my english sucks a bit, so If you can explain that homonyms thing, I would appreciate. Is it about the lyrics? here in my post? :)

I made/played all the music. I just wrote that my english sux so I guess you already know that I'm not the signer :) it's a friend :)

about the guitar...

Guitar : Gibson LesPaul Studio
Preamp: Digitech GSP2101artist (discontinued in late 90's but it still my favorite!)
Guit amp: Velocity Rocktron 300 (Also discontinued, also like him:))
Speaker cab: 4x12 Custom Beckemer (with Eminence speakers)

all this thru a StudioProjects C1, and played the hard way :)
Ahhh.. so that explains it.

Homonyms, words with sounding the same but with different meanings. In your original post you used"witch" instead of "which" and "steel" vs. "steal". Ha, ha or what nilboG said.

Fuck it, who needs grammer when you can play like you do.

What kind of effects are you using on the preamp? Is your distortion from the amp or the pre or both?
oh! hehe

Ok thx for the "homonyms" explanation. ...and one was funny than the other :p

Kompewtur, I need grammer (isnt it grammAr??). And I'm not and very good guitar/bass/drum player. I can be pretty tight, but, dont ask me to play a guitar solo, I wont. :) I'm reaaally not a kind of shreadder.

About the guitar, the distortion is coming from the Preamp. The amp doesnt have and dst or fx, it's only an amp.

heey, if you guys want to hear cool stuff, there is still 2 songs of my ex-band, like 4 years ago Maybe more. Sounds pretty good :) (i think!) and these were my first personal "real recording" thing...

All the music was made with FruityLoop 1 (we bought fruity loops for 35$ cad at this time!), except the guitars and vocals, obviously. Recorded on a Fostex D80, Mackie 24-4 Vlz (first release) a SM57, and a CAD95.

Oh...and yes, I'm the guy with the mask and the ESP guitar on the picture.
Hey now...hold on just a fuggin second! This is HOME recording.com. Who are you and why are you making the rest of us look bad? Go away.

Kidding, sounds great!
No, i mean Grammer as in Kelsey Grammer, star of that wacky NBC comedy "Frasier". Surely he'd know what to do if he were in your shoes.
you did this for some wwf wrestling fed ??..

whoever it was doesnt matter im diggin the shit out of this...

post more.


man this really is cool as shit.

im not even gonna try and give real comments.
Listening again..

Can you make a copy without all the annoucer stuff? I dunno maybe fill it in with your own stuff?

Looking again, I think this song is really getting shortchanged by it's treatment as a wrestling freakin jingle.. ugh! This should be on the radio.. but then i guess as you mentioned in some form it already is.

Love that chorus "CUZ IM BEAUTIFUL TEEEWWW!"
-"Love that chorus "CUZ IM BEAUTIFUL TEEEWWW!""

it's actually "Cuz I'm Universal, I strike deep in your mental" :)

-"you did this for some wwf wrestling fed ??.."

this song was meda for the UCC. Universal Combat Championship

-"Very cool sound... You need to give Trent a call!"

.......good idea! :)

Here is the link I forgot to post about older songs.
The song called "YULTRA" was to one the UCC was illegaly using, I contact them and ask me to do a similar song. (I'm Universal)
