A song I wrote about a year or so ago


New member
Yet again, I'm prepared for crushing defeat at the hands of skilled professionals :D

A bit of background first. In 2009, I was involved in an accident on a construction site, and pretty much have the full use of one arm. Therefore, I cannot actually play any instruments, though I can bang around the keys of a piano (or midi keyboard) if necessary. I can use a mouse though. So every instrument in my songs is a sampled instrument
that is programmed note by note on a Mac, in Logic Pro's piano roll. I try to get each instrument to sound as realistic as possible, but sometimes that doesn't work out.

I think this song sounds pretty good, and I hope others like it too.

It sounds really good. All the instruments are clear and in their place. The electric guitar needs a little eq work but the song has a great feel and mood.