A song by ME! please give feedback.


New member
Hey all. This is a song I recently did. It was mainly done on my computer, so not much recording other then the bass, guitar, and a few of the sounds that I used. I just tought it was fun to make, so I will share. I sampled the keyboard part from a Song Called Fareinheit Fair Enough by Telefon Tel Aviv.

The song is called Tribute to Telefon


Any feedback will be apreciated. ohh on a side note, this was recorded in my dorm room. heh ;)
Well, I've never heard of the band Telefon Tel Aviv, but I know Tel Aviv is a city in West Israel. ;)

Listening, my first thought was that this sounds like a product of Sonic Foundry, which can be a pretty cool tool. I think whatever you did to get your sounds ended up with a pleasant and easy-listening tune that was enjoyable.

I did think that it had a reverb/bassy sound that kicked in and stuck from about :20 on, but didn't seem to quite clip the limiter scale. Got close at 2:00 on though; maybe too much compression?

For me, the song seems to scream for some soft, female vocals if you plan to add vox. It had a beautiful ending except the last note which was a little abrupt. Fine job :)

Thanks, yes the last note does seem to have some cliping stuff in it. No it is not sonic foundry, well other then some Sound Forge. I inputed all of those sounds in and panned them in Reason. I used Sound Forge to create the keyboard loop. Then imported it all into Sonar for mixing and recording the guitar and bass part.

Thanks.. I do agree some female vox would be great, but I am a man...maybe I can talk some girl into doing some sining on it. Thanks for your listening time.
Yeah, real breathy female vocals. I liked the groove a lot, but I thought all the percusive sound effects were too busy and detracted from the mood of the piece a little. It was fun in the headphones though!

thanks....just got a Reason vocal refill, maybe I can find something in there or try something myself. I do agree it does need something else, I just felt to attached to the original song. Definantly check the original group Telefon Tel Aviv out...they are pure genuiouses.