a song about work

i feel dizzy


i like the off kilter vibe.

i think the drums are too thin sounding. if they are programmed, i think you need to add more powerful crashes, and a lower toned snare with more initial crack. also, there are times when the kick sounds out of time.

and i think you should try to add some separation between the bass and guitar. as it is, it sounds a little muddled. maybe take some lows out of the guitar.

i don't mind the distant vocals, but if you want it poppy, i would bring them more to the front of the mix.

once again, i like the song pretty well. just my opinion.
Wow, that was something i never heard before...

I must ask how it was recorded... cause i thought in first place that it was recorded with 1 mic... but then i heard the panned guitars.

Like hadji murad said, you need to separate the frequencies that are shared by the bass and the guitar... specially the low ones.

The drums are too soft and the vocals seems to be very far away... and I think that in your style of music the vocals must go a little over the rest. If the drums were recorded with one mic, try using triggers, to give more presence, specially to the kicks and the snares. You'll see how the world changes.
