a Quick Technical Question???


New member
I negotiated with my wife money for nearfields, and I need to know, since the literature at MF and most places are from Tannoy adds, whether the Proto-J's are sheilded? I will have my monitors next to PC and its an important selling point. I know the reveals are sheilded but I can't find if the proto-j's are... Quickly Please!!! Owners and users only....

i dont know if this only applies to you, but i am currently monitoring through some NON SHIELDED home stereo speakers... when they are next to my monitor they mess with the monitor, but i have them about 3-4" away from the monitor and they are no problems at all...
Proto J's are not shielded, bu that can be remedied by covering the area of the speakers diameter with foil!
Uh..oh...foil! How much foil, 1 layer 100 layers? Tin foil? aluminum foil? what about the cabinet interior? What about opting for Yorkvilles YSM-1, they are sheilded right? ANy good trusty Yorville mail order places seling them for $199.95?

Yo Atomic Person who has been foiled:

If you look around, you should be able to get your Yorkville YSM-1 monitors for the price you want. I've seen prices from 89 bucks per speaker to 101 pezzutos per speaker, which is about what I paid.

I DO NOT KNOW IF THE YSM-1'S ARE SHEILDED! You can find out from the Yorkville site and get the name of the nearest dealer or negotiate using the 800 numbers. Yorkville does not spend much money advertising and that's why their prices are so reasonable.

Use Aluminium foil for cooking.

Green Hornet
Yup. Sorry, Q, but the aluminum foil shielding thing for speakers is really an urban legend.

Aluminum foil is pretty good for RF and electrostatic shielding, but it can't touch DC or LF *magnetic* interference. The interference you get from unshielded speakers is from the permanent magnets that forme the motor structures: that's a DC field, and it will go through aluminum foil like it's not there. The AC fields from the signal in the voice coils that is driving the speakers is almost never strong enough to do anything to a monitor. Even if you have them turned up to 11, that wierd ripple pattern on the screen is probably from either your eyeballs or the shadow mask shaking, rather than from the AC magnetic field!

To "shield" against magnetic interference, budget speaker designers usually use teeny little magnets, and then design the speaker basket to try and trap as much of the field as possible right there. Then, they *might* put some high-permeability stuff like mu-metal foil inside the cabinet to try and trap other stray flux lines (or, just use a pressed-steel case, for some of the cheapo computer speakers). But realistically, "shielded" speakers are usually fairly feeble speakers. There certainly are some relatively good ones, but the usual case is that really good studio monitors need potent motor structures (especially for the woofers), which means big magnets, which means that your tube will turn green and pink if they are within a foot or so. All the foil in the world won't do squat in that case.

The best solution? Get an LCD flat panel, since LCD displays don't care at all about stray magnetic fields from monitors. And then choose your monitors for their sound, not their shielding. Seriously: compromising the monitor quality to keep the screen from turning green may not be in your best long-term interests!
I done did it now!

Thanks for all the help, I decided to pass up the Proto-J's because I can't afford a flat screen and a pair of nearfields all in one chunk. And Im really not interested in sheilding experiments with new hardware while my wife watches me modify new speakers with kitchen utensils. I bought a pair of YSM-1i Yorkvilles. Free shipping and no tax counter balances the gap between the $199.95 for proto-j's and the $229.95 for the Yorkies to some extent. I just blew my annual recording related equipment budget. Anyone know where to get a switch box for switching between 2 different speaker sets on the same power amp?

Thanks again for the quick replies.

Yo AtomicOne:]

My integrated amp has on/off switches for my two sets of speakers; I seldom use the big Infinities since I got the Yorkvilles.

But, there are all kinds of switch bays/boxes available; check Full Compass catalog or get them on their site. No problema.

Don't let your neutrons get into the aluminium foil.

Green Hornet

:D :D :p