A Question for MC's

Murdock Jones

New member
I got some young cats I just signed, and I'll be producing, and I posed this question to them. If you had a voice for the whole world (or as many people as possible) to hear, what would you say to them? Would you tell them how many drugs you move? How many guns you have? How many inches your rims are? Or would you say something else?
I'm gonna be real careful about what i say:) Is this a trap?:) I would tell the world about what's going on in the streets and how things need to change. I would tell the world how violence is not the way to settle things. I would basically spread a positive message but keep it real at the same time. My lyrics wouldn't contain profanity, but they would be to the point and sharp. I think that's what i would do/am presently doing.
I'm from the A, but this isn't a trap. I just want to see what messages people would deliver if they were given a huge audience.
oh ok. Try to conjure up something different with them. Rims and stuff like that is kinda getting recylcled. The game needs that fresh burst of content. I heard some cat rap about skating. It was hard tho!! That was very different.
I feel you on this topic.I wonder if the big time rappers started to make more positve music would they have the push they have now.i dont want to get into conspiracy theories or nothin but it seems like only recently that anything real positive is leaking through.I would tell tales of the street and how to stay out of them.I'd talk about family and sticking together and being a real man.Say things that most of us can relate to cus everybody cant be selling dope.Dont make sense suburb kids repeating lines to raps like they know how the struggle is.Garbage.
Murdock, you know how our hood is in real bad shape. If I could speak to the world, I'd talk about the truth of DC and what we need to do to stop those problems and the same problems in ghettoes worldwide. I'd give a shoutout to the Lord, for creating me, to the Prophets, for guiding me, and to El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) and Tupac Amaru Shakur, for saving me.
tone_aot said:
I heard some cat rap about skating. It was hard tho!! That was very different.
Lupe Fiasco. A skater got put on. That's different. For a long time now a lot of dope dealers have been put on, or had the resources to put themselves on. Hence the reason you hear a lot of G&D rap (guns and drugs). Since hip hop is now global, this is the message they want to give people worldwide. They may say something contrary to this in an interview, but what is more publicized? Their music or their interviews?
sits back with ny notepad and take notes..

this is a real good topic..

ready to read more
I asked this question becasue last summer I was working in Europe for a couple months, and I saw how big hip hop was over there. I saw how you don't need to be a mega star to get your record played over seas. I was surprised that smaller artist were getting play too. I wondered if these artists knew how far and wide thier message getting, and if they knew how big thier audience was, would they still say the same thing.
they now..but they dont care..its all about the money..

being a smaller known or unknown artist gives you a better chance overseas..because they can listen to hip-hop/rap at its best..and grow with the upcoming artist..and a lot of countries have censorship on what can be spoken about in their country..
who me.. i dont rap...

but i would expect my artist to do a nice universial party song that will be played all over the world...( :) i like party songs)

and a unity song that will make the world listen and think about life..
Id talk about rims and bitches personally. Id brag about how much more money I have than u and make u feel like shit as u work for 4.30 an hour lol
I would talk about my life like I do now........ but I do it in a way that I dont gloify anything that doesnt need to be glorified.......... I rap to let tha pain go...........
Good Post! I think personally (I'm not a rapper anymore, never really considered myself one in the past as well) that eventhough a lot of people here and there would answer your question w/ the "I'd talk about something positive, real, and w/ substance." These are the same people that when they notice how Rapper X from Killer Klan Records is getting attention/money b/c he's talking about killing, drugs, and putting women on the house, they'll adjust their style/content to go in the same direction. I think this a sad, but known fact w/ music. The majority is attracted to a "fake" like lifestyle simply b/c its more entertaining, and that's what the whole industry is about right? I think everyone wants to say they're gonna change the cycle and bring a real messege back to music but it takes someone who isn't afraid to not be noticed and take a chance that they may not be noticed. An example happened just last night! A group of clients/friends of mine invited me to a showcase @ a local bar b/c they were going to perform 2 tracks that I produced. When I got there they performed "Hustlers Anthem" a song about the hustle/struggle going on in their life and how they intend on getting out by any means. Simple topic, not that big on guns, drugs, and women, their best song in my mind. They did well live but lost to a group who's main messege was about having their .45 on them while they rapped, piles of dope in the trunk, and how they making women get on their knees. Entertaining, but we're college students... I doubt that lifestyle is believeable for us. Funny thing is the crowd (mainly young women) were going CRAZY! I just shook my head and left, I already knew the outcome. My point is that it's hard to "make it" if you talk about anything that doesn't make the listeners feel they are that, the drug dealers, pimps, expensive car drivers, etc... The world just wants to party @ 100 mph, not hear how something you did changed someone in the community's life. On that note, imma keep rooting for Lupe Fiasco! 1
X man Da Legend said:
Id talk about rims and bitches personally. Id brag about how much more money I have than u and make u feel like shit as u work for 4.30 an hour lol

Yo X, I make an average of $120/hr. I work from home about 3-4 hr/s day while watching my 2 sons (2 1/2 and 6 weeks) grow up. One of my many sites has a client that signed me for 6 figures this year (Merril Lynch)
It took me 3 years to get to this point and it's getting better every year.

Does That Make You Feel Like Shit?

just curious... cause I don't rap, but if I did it's would be degrading others and what they make. Someday, you will be right back there and need someone to help you out.

Don't take offense to this Im just trying to prove a point. My nephew was listening to this type of crap for a year and was alway getting in trouble and degrading women. He has completely done a 360 and toned his music and dress attire. he now is getting better grades and more friends.
Point is, don't spread the hate, our children are growing up thinking it for the better and it's not.

It's 100 times easier to hate than it is to show kindness. Walk into a dunkin-donuts and tell the guy behind the counter to have a nice day, bettcha can't do it. I'm still trying to find a way LOL

So basiclly you're saying that not only do the majority of the people want to tell the world about how much dope they move, and how many guns they bust, but the world also wants to hear how much dope someone can move, how many guns they can bust, and how many women they can get.....Interesting.