A question about the MS technique


After having happily discovered the MS micing technique in the Harvey Gerst thread I tried it out on a nylon string Spanish guitar using a C3 in the figure eight position sideways and a SM 57 both about two feet away. It sounds great! ¡Thanks Harv!
My question is what is the crustiminny procedecake (customary procedure) on panning these two tracks? I haven't got a "matrix box" and am not really sure what one might even look like but I figure that if Mr. Gerst can't afford one that that's one more thing I can forget about.
el jordo
My first thought was that I didn't have a whores idea but I'll clue you in anyway. The middle mic (the one pointed straight at the guitar) is panned to the center. The figure 8 mic signal has to be split to two channels. One of the channels has its polarity inverted and is panned hard one direction and the other is panned hard the other way.
Thanks Mr. Rat,
That seems to make sense and I'll definitely try it and forget about not having a "whores idea" because the opposite seems to be true. You might want to check out my latest post on the "whores idea thread" in the cave as I tried to clear that up...but anyway if I get branded as ol' "whores idea jordokid" as the old saying goes if the shoe fits...
Well Mr.Rat sir,
Here's what I did. I've got a Pro Stools...er I mean Tools LE system so I copied the figure 8 track to another track and reversed the polarity by adding a plug-in and hitting the phase reverse button but somehow I don't think that I'm really "splitting" the signal...oh my God!...tell me it ain't so...but I've got this sinking feeling that I "ain't gotta fuckin' whore's idea"
Mr.Sayers sir,
I saw your post after I replied to Track Rat but I did check out the SAE page. It's not the first time I've visited and will definitely not be the last as I want to build a bass trap and some hemholtz resonators. Is it true that SAE is going to open a center in Madrid? Being a DAW head I haven't even got a console but I could send the signal out of the I/O box and record it to another track out of phase if the copy and paste routine doesn't get it although I've noticed that if I now pan these two tracks to center I get zilch...nada de nada...so I guess that means that they are definitely out of phase...tanks fo de hep