A Promise - New Acoustic Rock track

I am by no means expert, but I think the drums could be a bit louder in the mix. They get lost quite often behind the guitar.
Nice sounding 12 string though.
The vocal and the guitar sound like they're in two different spots. The guitar is a little on the boxy side. The vocal sounds like it's way in front of everything else.

Well performed.

Sounds cool when the bass and percussion comes in.

Big click on the right at 1:25. More in the 2:20's and 2:30's.

I like the way the song starts simple and gradually builds up
Great tune. I like the guitar work a lot and your voice lends itself to this style of music quite well. I have to agree with TripleM though that the vocals are two far out in front of everything else. I think that the vocal should be tied in with the guitar a little bit more. Again, good job.
Thanks for the feedback. Will definitely look at trying to get the vocals to sit a bit better with the guitar. The guitar is not actually 12 string, but six string recorded in stereo. No double-tracking or chorus, I just got a full sound with the mic position. Maybe needs a bit of low-mid off if boxy (I'll take another listen).
Finally got around to adjusting the mix. I think it is better. I added a little reverb, and adopted the suggestions about the compression on guitar. Also took a hint of low-mids out of the guitar.