A place to find sound designers/ foley artists for a short film


New member
Hey guys,

Does anyone know a good place to source people interested in sound design/ making foley sounds for a short film?

I've been trying to scour the internet for a long time, and this website looked extremely promising - but now it's dawning that this is more based on making music than sound design...


In St. Louis we have a website that people are constantly posting to looking for actors, etc. for films and music scores etc.
I think one thing that did take the wind out of it, was this Benghazi internet video deal. Nobody wants to volunteer to be in a film, then find out the entire population of country wants to kill you because somebody edited the film in a manner that made you appear to desecrated a deity.
I work with some amazing sound designers/foley/post-production engineers if you'd like me to DM you their websites? :)