A patchbay question for everyone


New member
I was wondering if it is ok to re- wire my xlr snake (8 channel) with trs 1/4 connectors and plug them into a patchbay (1/4"trs). I did some searching and got answers both ways, so I'm not really sure. The article I read said their might be a problem with the low signals that mics through out, and also with the phantom power. My recorder dosent have inserts or anything like that, some I'm not really sure what to do. I'll Give you the low down:

Here is what I'm planning on doing:

recorder/mixer Tascam 2488 (8 imputs, trs/8, xlr/4)

compressor 4 channel trs

mic pre 2 channel trs

so bassicly 8 channel for the snake (outs only), 4 for the compressor (ins and outs), 2 for the mic pre (ins and outs).

If anyone has any feedback it would be greatly appreciated.


Mike Huff
Vision Studios
Columbus, Ohio
Phantom power would be the problem. If it was on while you were patyching something you could toast it.
hello columbus-ite. Cool to see a local around here

i suggest you keep xlr connections into the mixer, then use TRS for everything else.