A new rock song i made

Not a bad little tune, kinda nice even. One thing that bugged me was the crash cymbal. It's maybe a little overused? And it's kinda loud coming through that left channel. Maybe turn it down a bit?

Also the low end frequency on the bass seemed a little overpowering to me. I had to turn the bass way down on my subwoofer while playing the song.
I like the song. Don't make the vocal louder. Maybe remix it and tone the drums down a bit, as warrengtype said. Why don't you turn all the music down a couple db, and see how the vocals fit. You may need to turn them down some, but not as much. Then they will be more prominent. It may help some with the bassy sound also. Good tune though.
Left cymbal is overused and too high in the mix, it annoys me. Nice track, The snare sound like a really really old sample, not a snare dum.

Actully that might be the crap speakers i'm listening to it through. But nice track.
There are quite a few places that the vocals are pitchy/out of key.Especially in the one or two places where the vocals are doubled up. Im surprised no one else has commented on this. The song is kind of simplistic so this puts more focus on the vocal IMHO. It would warrant a retrack (at least in those places) if I were working on this.
The drums sound programmed but carry the sound ok. I guess if you can't play drums or don't know a drummer theres not a whole lot you can do about that. Overall I think there just needs to be more balance between everything.
Not really my cup of tea but its an ok song. I dug the little synthesizer/keyboard parts. Reminds me of "Pinkerton" era weezer.
Thanks for the comments and yeah i know the vocal isnt very good. My friend is a drummer and hes not that good at singing. We cant put real drum because we're in a college dorms so you cant bring a drumset here :(

And there isnt any keyboard or synth part in this song :p
And there isnt any keyboard or synth part in this song

My bad I was listening to a few tunes at the same time and going back and commenting. I heard some melody lines on the guitars that would work well with some old school synthesizer sounds. At the same time that is probably overdone in this genre.