A new collaboration based DAW


Bored of Canada
Just heard about this for the first time. Been in development for a few years apparently.
Looks like its about to get around to beta testing.
Seems real interesting.

Ohm Studio
not too sure about Cubase. Haven't been using it for that long.
But I do think that a few DAWs have tried to do sharing projects in the past.

EDIT: yeah, it does look like more than two people can use it together.
I wonder if it is cross OS compatible? Meaning can I link up with someone using a PC?

Are plugins shared? It looks like it only has support for VST plugins.

Those are the only questions I have ATM, but I signed up for the beta.
I've been beta testing for a few months so if you guys have questions fire away, I'm pretty good with it at the moment.

Some information of the top of my head that may be useful:

1. Recordings/projects are stored on the cloud. When recording with someone my experience with someone from London was that his track showed up about 6-7 mins after he recorded it (a single guitar track).

2. Communication is via AIM type window in lower right hand corner. If you both have the project open at the same time that is.

3. Plugins are VST format, I have found that most work. Waveshell 8 did not however, seems they are still ironing out some things.

4. If you record midi using a VSTi and the other user doesn't have the same library it will show what plugin was used, but obviously since you don't own it the midi plays nothing. Not a big deal if the other user bounces to audio... the problem I ran into is it seems a lot of people were to lazy to bother.

5. Same goes with VST effects, you can use them on a track but if the other person using ohm studio doesn't have it the project will load with the effects shown but not loaded (since they are not there).

6. As far as collaboration goes there is nothing that touches what this does that I have witnessed. You can track drums, and 10-12 mins later they will show up in the other users window for guitars to be added and then that will show up on yet the next users window for bass to be added. I don't think any other type of file swapping, even between the same daw is as fast as this is.

7. Yes this is OS to OS compatible. Doesn't matter if you use windows or OSX.
I don't know much about that stuff, but it seems like you'd have to have a really fast connection for all the samples to transfer fast enough.

Still this seems cool and I'd take a crack at it (even though I registered ten minutes ago and already got spam email from another user).
got it, but STILL haven't used it!
story of my gear buying life I guess :eek: At least this was free.

Who's up for a HR Ohm Studio collaboration? :D
look what I just got in my email:
User marauu has sent you a private message to your Cohmunity inbox:

" Hi Dear... (oumarmara@yahoo.com) is my email
My name is Miss Mara ,I wish i could get to know you for it is my pleasure to
have you as my friend for a friend is all about Respect,Admiration and Passion
also friendship consist sharing of ideas and showing true love without
cheats,lies and betrayal and i have this feelings to share with you, i believe
that you are the type of one that i want in my life for a serious relationship,i
want you to know that age, race,and religion is not important to me all that is
important to me is pure love,waiting to hear from you i will send you my picture
please reach me at (oumarmara@yahoo.com) Have a beautiful day.thanks,
(oumarmara@yahoo.com) Miss Mara "

Ohm Studio - Together Sounds Better

I'm sure she has a great personality. BUTTER :)

Weird, my smileys are not showing up again. :D

That is just friggen weird. I have a smile on the first line, in edit post window, but it doesn't show up on the post.

Shit, I'm talking to myself again......
If we were collabing, would I be able to hear what you're playing as you're playing it?

Sorry no but this is not possible.

I imagine the lag using even the fastest internetz would still be unbearable.

The reason I said 6-7 and then 10-12 is because drums are more files to upload to the cloud.