A Means for TRUE Collaboration Online?


King of the Wicker People
I have a very serious idea that could revolutionize how musicians collaborate online.

I get the feeling that many of you are like me in that you're willing to help a fellow writer who's suffering from "writer's Block". I'm more than happy to toss out a few ideas and lines/rhymes with no expectations of payment in any form. I like to help. I get a strong feeling many of you are of the same mindset.

The problem seems to be that many of us refuse post our ideas for critique for fear of having an idea stolen. And rightfully so. But I think I have an idea that could solve this problem...

So if you all like the idea of getting that stack of "Unfinished Works" finished, then please check out this site and tell me if you think it's a project worth persueing...

Collaboration Nation

Read the proposal and tell me what you think. I honestly believe it could make a huge difference for anyone who's serious about writing.

- Tanlith -

NOTE: This is not an advertisement, but rather a project I'm willing to dedicate a significant ammount of my free time and personal resourses to if there's a chance it can succeed.
Sounds like the beginnings of a great idea. I don't care much for the credit card idea for a number of reasons. I'm one of those people that refuses to get on the highway......not gonna do it. But that's just me. Another thing is I think that would preclude a lot of younger writers from using a service that they are more likely to need than us old farts.....just my .02.

Looks like a very cool idea as long as the legal issues are worked out. I like that you had two different areas in mind. One for say, critiques or that ...."something just doesn't sound right" kind of question where someone could throw a line or idea at you without you fearing that they may come after you some day for money if your song does well. I have a situation like this which had developed in my short tenure here. On the MP3 Mixing Clinic board, I posted a new song to get an idea on how my guitar sounded (I have been playing around with mic placement because my guitar, an Ovation Celebrity, sounds like ass recorded most of the time). One of the folks there threw out a line that after some study, I may like better than mine. It doesn’t at all change the meaning or direction of the song, but it just may flow a little better. I’ll probably end up using it and deal with any problems if they ever came up. I doubt it would be an issue but the danger is there. In theory this person could come back and ask for half of the writer’s share of the song if it ever did well. It would be nice to have a place where you wouldn’t have to worry about that. Incidentally, I’m going to post that song here shortly for you guys to hear, since you don’t all make it over to the clinic.

The other section for true collaborations is a good idea as well. The hard part for the true collabs would be for the parties involved to figure out who is entitled to what portion of the royalties if a pay day actually came along. For example, A comes in with say a half written song and then B, C & D all add to the song in an appreciable manner. With no agreement between the for individually, the default would be 25% each split, but maybe that’s fair or maybe not depending on how complete A had the song to start with, or maybe B contributed a major idea to the song like a whole second verse and C & D just helped with a line each. I’m sure I’m getting nit picky, but I’m just kind of thinking out loud. I think it’s always a good idea for folks to get an upfront agreement before co-writing. Of course if they all four built a song from the ground up, there is no argument IMHO. Maybe there should be some mechanism where the folks who collab would make a side agreement on what their portions should be, or a warning that collaborators should think about that…or whatever… Again, I’m just thinking out loud and typing as I think :D.

Excellent idea though. I really like it. Did you make that flash animation intro on there (or whatever it was). That was really cool.
i have found online collaboration to be easiest if you just distribute a sonar bundle file (or cwpa9.0) to the various collaboraters and add that which you will to it.. and in this way the creative process can move forward very nicley even with collaboraters separated by many miles.

I'm a geezer........explain to me what a sonar bundle is. A cwpa9.0? Forgive me for being way behind the curve!

bdbdbuck said:
Sounds like the beginnings of a great idea. I don't care much for the credit card idea for a number of reasons. I'm one of those people that refuses to get on the highway......not gonna do it. But that's just me. Another thing is I think that would preclude a lot of younger writers from using a service that they are more likely to need than us old farts.....just my .02.


Yeah... believe it or not, I took both those ideas into consideration, and found that the credit card thing (at this time) is the only way to proove legal age (online - that I know of)

As for precluding youth... anyone under legal age of concent can't be bound by contract... the only reason I want people bound into the site's contract is to protect the original writers.... Unless anyone has a way around this? (Definitely open to suggestions!)

- Tanlith -
Jagular said:
The other section for true collaborations is a good idea as well. The hard part for the true collabs would be for the parties involved to figure out who is entitled to what portion of the royalties if a pay day actually came along. For example, A comes in with say a half written song and then B, C & D all add to the song in an appreciable manner. With no agreement between the for individually, the default would be 25% each split, but maybe that’s fair or maybe not depending on how complete A had the song to start with, or maybe B contributed a major idea to the song like a whole second verse and C & D just helped with a line each. I’m sure I’m getting nit picky, but I’m just kind of thinking out loud. I think it’s always a good idea for folks to get an upfront agreement before co-writing. Of course if they all four built a song from the ground up, there is no argument IMHO. Maybe there should be some mechanism where the folks who collab would make a side agreement on what their portions should be, or a warning that collaborators should think about that…or whatever… Again, I’m just thinking out loud and typing as I think :D.

Excellent idea though. I really like it. Did you make that flash animation intro on there (or whatever it was). That was really cool.

The way I had it worked out was something like this: By default, the original writer would decide on his/her own share and leave a balance open -- for example, I decide to seek collaborative help and I'm willing do part with say 30% of my share as a writer - the balance would be divided equally among anyone whos ideas I actually used in my song.

- Tanlith -
bdbdbuck said:
I'm a geezer........explain to me what a sonar bundle is. A cwpa9.0? Forgive me for being way behind the curve!


Yeah... What he said .... :D :D :D :confused:

I mean, if there's an easier way to do this thing that I'm not yet aware of I'm all ears man!

- Tanlith -
bdbdbuck said:
I'm a geezer........explain to me what a sonar bundle is. A cwpa9.0? Forgive me for being way behind the curve!bd

Cakewalk as I am sure you know is a audio software company. Cakewalk's top pro audio product is called Sonar 2.2XL. Their former top product was called Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.03 (CWPA9.0) Sonar is pretty much just a vastly updated version CWPA9.0

In anycase, both products allow you to record as many tracks (audio or midi) as you want to. You can save the files and share them.

If two or more people are using the same software, they can easily download (or otherwise receive) the working file and add to it, save it, and send it on.

does this make sense?

tanlith said:
The way I had it worked out was something like this: By default, the original writer would decide on his/her own share and leave a balance open -- for example, I decide to seek collaborative help and I'm willing do part with say 30% of my share as a writer - the balance would be divided equally among anyone whos ideas I actually used in my song.

- Tanlith -

Not a bad idea there
alexspetty said:
Cakewalk as I am sure you know is a audio software company. Cakewalk's top pro audio product is called Sonar 2.2XL. Their former top product was called Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.03 (CWPA9.0) Sonar is pretty much just a vastly updated version CWPA9.0

In anycase, both products allow you to record as many tracks (audio or midi) as you want to. You can save the files and share them.

If two or more people are using the same software, they can easily download (or otherwise receive) the working file and add to it, save it, and send it on.

does this make sense?


Ahhhhh ... ok! Now I understand :) :D :D :cool:

- Tanlith -