A little problem, nothing that you cant fix

Its alright ma

New member
I got this little problem maybe one of you can help me with...We're recording this LP, and we're doing half of it separate (building from a drum track) and half of it together, (one take)...
Now the problem is in the one take together thing:
Its a five piece lo fi thing, kind of like the strokes, but more along the lines of The thanes.
The Problem is, Im running everything drums/two guitars/bass and vocals - into my Altec 1220, which is a really old 12 channel mixing console, with no pan/ the only effects include reverb and a compression...
so I get everything mixed as if it werent any mixing involed after the fact: and then I go staight into an Tascam digital multi track recorder...
I mic both guitar amps front and back, and have the bass go direct, with out miking the cab...
and the vocal in a corner facing the band...the drums and amps are seperated in the same room by cubicals...but because my multi track recorder only has two inputs - thats how it comes out...then I record both guitarist again, and pan them on the recorder.... and it sounds good: the only thing is the snare has this weird slap back effect ... How DO I GET RID OF IT....and when it slaps back it rings...
Any ideas on whats causing this - or any different techniques I can use when recording all together....I have versions of the song online - incase i didnt explain it the right way ...
take it easy
It's probably better to post a clip of the problem area.

Other than that, looks like you're risking serious phase issues in your recordings.