a little help


Well-known member
so i've received rewire dll failures and have ignored them till now. it's a pain when you have to reboot and you may have some things not auto-saved.

i've found that uninstalling and reinstalling does the trick (not by experience but from other forums). thing is...i should uninstall acid4.0 but some of the 4.0 plugins i still use. how can i keep them and uninstall and then reinstall 6.0d?

it seems having a lot of rewire.dll's is the problem. uninstalling and reinstalling stops confusing acid (or something)

right now i have this many rewire.dll's in these folders/cab files

this sounds like a nightmare....

If I were you I would do one of two things:

First off, no matter what, make a backup of everything you would ever possibly need, just in case. Including all work, DLLs, entire Sony folders, etc. If you have a spare drive, backup the whole working C: drive. Then...

A. Uninstall Acid, rewire, anything else you can think of that may interfiere and re-cause these errors again. Delete registry keys too. Delete the whole program folders to get any leftovers out of there after your uninstall/reboots. Then, reinstall it all.

B. Format the Hard drive and start completely fresh. Hey, you're probably due for a reformat anyway, yeah? haha....