A little help?


Flypaper for freaks
Hi all.

I just found a demo tape I made 20 years ago (one of those old 15 minute demo cassettes for those that remember). The rest of the music I recorded when I was a full-time musician was destroyed in a fire in the mid-90s, and this cassete represents the only recording I have left.....

This tape is of a series of commercials I was working on back in the mid 80s. Unfortunately, the project got scrapped as the studio went under and I never got the master tapes. While the engineer never got to do proper mixes, he did give me these quick reference mixes.

As you can probably imagine, the tape has degraded seriously since they were recorded. I am hoping someone would give as shot at cleaning them up a bit with processing.... anyone game?


BTW, for those who care, I wrote the music, did the drum, bass, and synth programming, and played keys and trumpet. My brother played temor sax, my woman at the time sang, and a really great Montreal guitarist buddy of mine played guitar (I don't have his permission to give his name). We all did background vocals.






No one?

I made mp3's if anyone cares to have a listen and comment....







From the same tape is my first ever attempt at recording. It was made with a Fostex Model 80 recorder and the matching 8 chanerel board.
This is probably a bad week to get help on something like this. Bet if you bump it on Tues or Wed it'll be different. I have no experience w/noise reduction and I imagine that's going to be a large part of the project but I'll have a listen this coming week and if I have any suggestions I'll post them.
Thanks, would be much appreciated.

Timothy Lawler said:
This is probably a bad week to get help on something like this. Bet if you bump it on Tues or Wed it'll be different. I have no experience w/noise reduction and I imagine that's going to be a large part of the project but I'll have a listen this coming week and if I have any suggestions I'll post them.
I did some processing with the Mazda clip. Maybe it's worse now than it was, heh-heh. Mazda tweaked. Not much of a noise problem on that one but the vocal was unclear and too verby. I cut out some of the low end (below 80 Hz) and used a multiband comp to reduce the low mids in spots, boosted at 2 kHz by about 3 dB with a bell filter to bring out the vocal, and used the widener in Voxengo Soniformer (used Soniformer for the other things too) narrowing it in the lows and broadening it in the highs, and it seemed to increase the vocal clarity a little too.

Looked at the second one too but that needs noise reduction and I don't use it.
Man, nice job! Do you think you could something with the Santana_jeans_2? That's sorta myy favorite...

Thanks, it's much appreciated.
fraserhutch said:
...the Santana_jeans_2...
There's some vocal distortion at around :26... unfortunately not much I can do with it. Other than that, if you do a reduction in the 300-700 Hz range of maybe 3 dB the balance would be good I think.
Timothy Lawler said:
There's some vocal distortion at around :26... unfortunately not much I can do with it. Other than that, if you do a reduction in the 300-700 Hz range of maybe 3 dB the balance would be good I think.
I'll give that a shot, thanks!