a little help for a beginner please....Cubase LE 4


New member
Ok so first I need to know how to use VST instruments in cubase le 4 using my axiom 49midi keyboard. Second I need to know how to adjust the delay that I am receiving when hearing this through my crappy computer speakers. I understand that I need monitors but that is just not in the budget at the moment. Please help me make this temporarily work on the system that im working with, and please for gods sake explain it to me in a way a 10 year old would understand. I claim to know nothing here so keep that in mind. Thanks to all who help out.
Create a VST instrument track. On that track select the input as all MIDI devices. If your keyboard is connected and the proper drivers are installed etc. it should work. If not start looking in the MIDI setup in cubase.

Your only hope for the delay is to install ASIO4ALL drivers (google it). And that may not solve the problem. The single most important piece of gear you can have is the audio interface (sound card). If it isn't up to snuff you will have delays because it takes too long to process the sound.