A little different than.....

........didn't know what was going to play at first!

nice intro......
i like the changing effects on the voice......
nice samples going along here and there....
what the heck kind of kick drum is that..... it sounds very loose... reminds me of bonham's kick on prescence......
nice dissonance with the guitar chords and key sounds.....
i like the distant vocal effect, though i would still add some enhancement to the high end, just so it doesn't get totally lost in the mix..... it makes you really listen hard, which may be the intention...
on a low listening setting, it sounds like the mix just drops, instead of being an effect, which i'm sure was the intention......
at high listening levels, it totally works.

that's the problems i have with mixes, trying to decide where to go with levels when i mix low, then high volume....

either way, a very inventive read of this song.
kinda spooky..... jackie might think you're a stalker!
brave mix.
Thanks Gonzo,

The "effected" vocal line is really recorded through an early sixties model Revere reel to reel recorder, using the recorder's pre amp and the old "microphone" that came with it; no EQ. This whole song was done with "vintage" equipment such as this. You're right though, a little sheen on these lines would allow the vocals to cut through a little better. I kinda like the way it adds to the confusion.

That kick is a '63 Rogers maple shell. It's a small drum that can sound really big! (early seventies Radio Shack condensor of indeterminate model, Neve pre, PC DAW using Vegas and Wave plug-ins)

What, you can't hear the accordian?

Listening to the mp3 I see what you mean about the lower listening levels sounding as if there were drops in the mix. If you come up with any resolution to our shared problem drop me a line. I'm not sure if it is just an mp3 thing or not, but either way I will look for the holy grail that allows the largest scope of the real sound to come through.

Thanks again,
